Chapter 27: The Draw of the Curtain - Part 2

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Dash finally woke up in an abandoned undercover parking space. He went to move – but was constricted by a chain.

"What in the Manufacturer..." Dash scrambled more and more – but it was no use.

"Finally awake, I see? Sorry to do this to you, but we just have some rumors that can't escape this place – no hard feelings." Nettes chimed in over an intercom.

"You monster! Where is everyone?! What are you doing to them?!" Dash growled back.

"Oh! This is the fun part..." Nettes said as he pressed a button – projecting two screens in front of Dash.

"Demetria! Lightning! Sally! NO!" Dash scrambled some more, before receiving an electric shock.

"Agh! You vile specimen!" Dash retorted. "This is torture! You're torturing us!"

"Ohh, don't be so pessimistic – I see it as a light changing of the mindset." Nettes chuckled, turning on the in-room microphones where Demetria and the McQueens were located.

The McQueens were housed in another empty room – tied up with duct tape over their mouths. Dash could hear the two faintly mumbling.

They attached Demetria to a Dynamometer in a separate room and began injecting her fuel line with Allinol – the otherwise harmless substance turned deadly when hit with an EMP.

"Dash..." Demetria weakly sighed.

"Deme... no... NO!" Dash ramped up his impending rage before being hit once again with an electric shock.

"Don't you see? This is what happens when you don't follow school rules!" Nettes arched up.

Nettes proceeded to run Demetria's dynamometer; ever so gradually ramping up the speed.

"This is homicide! What are you doing, you fool?!" Dash yelled out once again, before receiving another electric shock.

"Dash! Don't go down to his level! This is what he wants!" Demetria cried out, before getting sped up once again. "Agh! Stop this, Nettes!"

"You'll rue the day that you ever set tires in this academy!" Nettes yelled out in response.

"Mmph! Mmph!" Sally tried to yell out before getting hit by an usher.

"MMPH! MMPH!" Lightning tried to retaliate by hitting the usher back – not to his avail. The usher just laughed and hit him instead.

"No! You can't just abuse us! You'll never get away with this!" Dash yelled out, trying to scramble some more before getting a harder shock. "AAGH!"

Gradually, the ushers continued to torture Demetria and the McQueens. It all flashed by Dash's eyes – he couldn't bare another moment of it.

"You're not going to get away! I won't let you! I'll burn this place to the ground if I have to!" Dash retorted – scrambling some more.

The ushers began to electrocute the poor racer. But, instead of giving in this time – Dash put himself into fight-or-flight mode; performing a burnout.

"Boltarius, you fool. You're going to kill yourself before we do." Nettes could just laugh maniacally over the intercom. In response, Nettes ramped up Demetria's dynamometer so much so that she began to smoke.

"No! Demetria – no!!" Dash pushed himself even harder through the constant pain and electrocution.

The ushers continued to hit the McQueens until Sally passed out. Lightning began to openly weep at the sight of her.

"MMPH! MM-MMPH!" Lightning scrambled harder and harder – nearly passing out himself.

Dash let out a room-filling scream as he pushed himself even further through the pain and electrocution. Smoke from his rear tires now filled his room. He felt his rear tires begin to shred as he continued – but refused to stop.

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