Chapter 22: The Comeback - Part 2

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After a few hours of near-endless driving; the team had finally made it to the Daytona circuit. They sat in Mack's trailer for a brief moment to have a meeting.

"Are you ready to make your debut to the world... again?" Lightning told Dash.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" Dash focused on controlling his nervous breathing.

"You'll be fine! Sal and I are gonna co-captain the heck out of this!" Demetria advised, looking to Sally.

"Absolutely right, girl! Now, show that hood of yours!" Sally said as she notified Mack to open the trailer door.

Sure enough, the door began to open to the rather familiar roar of an ecstatic crowd. Dash felt his engine racing but remained calm as it finally lowered.

"I don't believe it, Bob! The rookie sensation is alive and well!" Darrell Cartrip commented over the loudspeakers.

"That's so reassuring to see! He's wearing a Rust-Eze livery as well! It must be an ode to Lightning McQueen!" Bob Cutlass replied.

"I don't think that's an ode – that's the real deal! He might be teaming up with Lightning McQueen!" Darrell commented.

Dash and his crew rolled out of the trailer – except for Lightning.

"Stickers? What are you doing?" Sally hung back with him and asked.

"Dash just asked me to give Rush a 'Lil surprise!" Lightning advised.

"Ohh... smart!" Sally bumped tires as she sped off to catch Dash and the crew.


"Look who the cab dragged in! Man, it is good to see you... and in Rust-Eze uniform! Hanging with the rusty ol' cars where you belong?" Rush sarcastically taunted as he and his entourage rolled up to Dash.

"Definitely not likewise! Besides, at least I have a sponsorship!" Dash equally quipped with sarcasm.

"A bit feisty after near-death, huh?" Rush continued taunting, wearing a broad smile.

"I guess so." Dash continued to deliver succinct responses.

"You would not believe who I got as a teammate!" Rush continued grinning as Cruz Ramirez rolled up next to him.

"Dash! It's wonderful to see that you're okay! How have you been?!" Cruz asked.

Before Dash could answer, Rush swooped in...

"Cruz! Remember... we're the team." Rush reminded.

"Ohh right! Looking forward to beating your rear bumper today!" Cruz changed her mind.

"So who's your teammate, bucko?" Rush taunted as his entourage giggled.

To answer his question without even speaking, Lightning rolled up next to Dash and gave a little rev for the show.

Rush and his entourage sat in their spots and gasped.

"Oh, just this seasoned veteran. Not a massive deal." Dash grinned as he and Lightning bumped tires without looking.

"This must be some kind of a joke." Rush reassured his entourage as he laughed nervously.

"The only joke is your driving career." Lightning roasted.

Even Rush's entourage had to commend the veteran racer on his joke.

"Your idol status is depleting, Mr. McQueen." Rush quipped.

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