They usually make a thermos cup of the same type to fill the hot water in front of others. There are many cups of the same type in the space. Fang Hao had already filled it with various kinds of soup. If it wasn't for the sudden arrival of this task, he didn't have the time to make other patterns, otherwise all the utensils in the space would have been filled by him!

Fang Hao Er "listens" to Tuanzi's tossing in the space. If it's put in the usual time, maybe he will make the Tuanzi invisible and sway, but the word "Ma Ma" is Anyway, Fang Hao, who thought he was still manly enough, was very upset. He simply ignored him.

"There will be three ferries for you this evening, two people for each class, two and a half hours each." Guo Bing and Yin Dong, the three of them, discussed the night duty and began to arrange the people on duty tonight.

As for the other two NCOs and two drivers who are in charge of their own business? At this time, they all gathered around another fire and ate dinner together with soldiers from other platoons.

On the first day of travel, people met the unfortunate situation that the car had been moved. The next morning, it had been raining continuously. It seemed that the rain was more dense than before. Many people were muttering - I don't know there will be sunny days in SH city?

Zheng Shao Wei, who came from sh City, of course knows that it is the same cloudy day and drizzle both in the north and south of China. However, he has long been in the command car because of his inconvenient legs. Of course, he did not hear the voice of people talking in a low voice.

They got on the bus, set off, and headed south again.

Along the way, zombies of all sizes can be seen on the roads near the villages and towns. Some of them will run behind the cars when they hear the sound. Layers of muddy water are brought up on the muddy and damaged roads. The posture is amazing in the haze and continuous rain.

Because the car is busy on the road, and now people don't have to get out of the car to kill zombies, all the powers and soldiers in the car are all nestled in the car to cultivate their energy.

He Zi focuses on checking his own special dog, leg and sword. This weapon was declared by the military before, and he specially reported it to him after the military said that it could be fixed. Each person participating in the mission is qualified to be equipped with two. His dog leg sword, Fang Hao's three edge stab, the reincarnation power system's powerful people's use of the heavier broadsword and so on are all in this line.In addition, each of them was equipped with a gun for firing a firecracker, as well as a special bullet with no one's fifty rounds. This kind of special bullet has just been improved. Although there must be some spare parts on the accompanying military vehicles, no one would be willing to use them if it was not very dangerous.

Reincarnation is very glad that they have more staff, and most of the two sergeants will have at least one person sitting in the co pilot's seat. As long as the rest of the Sergeants are obscured, they don't know what they are doing. Yin Dong and his wife are sitting in another corner of the car, and they don't know what the reincarnation people are thinking about. In one corner of the car, several samsara technical team members are studying the ratio of gold and silver dust mixed with them after removing the bullets these two days.

It's easy to tear down things, even to forge them. The difficulty is that the proportion of gold and silver is low. Maybe the bullet will not explode after hitting the target, and it's useless to mix too much gold and silver in it. If it is released less, it will not have the effect that special weapons should have. It is better to use ordinary weapons honestly.

It's not something that can be studied overnight. There are a lot of people on the car and the car is sloshing around, so they can only think about it.

It is not urgent to study the proportion of gold and silver powder. Since they are members of Yin Dong group, they can sit near Yin Dong and help them block their sight. What can they do at the critical moment.

Wind power is quietly spreading along the surrounding wind system to all directions. There are a lot of zombies nearby. Some people who hear the sound and move quickly have already surrounded the convoy. This time, the base has sent a lot of people. There are a company and more than 100 people in the base, not to mention some special talents in the logistics class. In addition, the military also sent more than 200 people, including six military trucks, six land combat vehicles, one command vehicle and two tanks.

He Zizhong's ability has reached a relatively high level in Level 3. If you don't want people to pay attention to the wind power when it is started, no one can find it. It seems that it is just normal air flow, and there is no strange place at all.

He Zizhong opened his eyes slightly after closing his eyes and controlling the wind around the motorcade. Fang Hao, who had been sitting beside him and paying attention to the situation in the car, turned his head and asked in a low voice, "how is it?"

"There are some zombies of level three, but they can't catch up with our motorcade for a while." As long as there's nothing wrong with the team. "There are about two or three hundred secondary and below." He Zi said again and looked at the half open door at the back of the car.

In order to prevent danger, the vehicle door will not be closed tightly when the vehicle is moving. The truck is only wrapped with a layer of waterproof cloth, and its ability to prevent external force danger is almost zero. If the car door is wrapped at this time, once the danger occurs, it is not the protection, but the greatest threat to the life and life of the car.

"That's fine." Fang Hao put his head on he Zizhong's shoulder and half closed his eyes. "I'll squint for a while."

"Well, go to sleep. I'll call you if you need something." As long as the car's oil can't be used up for a while, the fleet doesn't have to stop to replenish. It is said that the motorcade has been modified before departure. The mailbox has been changed to be able to refuel directly from the car, which is more convenient for continuous driving. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the endurance.

In the command car, Wu shaowo is holding a crystal nucleus tightly in one corner of his hand. He is using his power to absorb the energy in the crystal nucleus. Although he had to be pushed out by his own family because of his relationship with the Song family, neither his father nor his mother really wanted him to die outside. After knowing this, he packed the crystal nucleus and other defensive weapons, food and other things collected at home all night, so he had to send his son away in person.

Wu Shao has more than 1000 crystal nuclei on his body. It is no problem to push his powers up to level 2. If it hadn't been for the fact that everyone had an upper limit when he absorbed crystal nuclei every day, he would have raised his power to a higher level before he knew that he would be put out of the base and die!

He is not the only one. When he goes out to do the task, all the people who have some skills will take the collected and exchanged crystal nuclei with them in advance. They will try their best to absorb the energy in them whenever they have the chance. They are not willing to relax half a silk chance. As for the number of zombies that follow outside the car after it is used up, as long as a group of zombies are killed by fire, they can get supplies completely!

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