"Got it." I continue changing into some black jeans, white tank top, and a leather jacket. Knowing Alex, I would be surprised if he isn't wearing the same thing. You know, with a t-shirt instead of a tank top.

"I probably shouldn't bother with makeup then I'm guessing," I say walking out.

"You don't need makeup to begin with," Alex says, searching through his bag with his back turned to me.

"You better not go all soft on me Alexander."

He turns around and I can tell he is annoyed. "Alexander isn't my name. It's Alex," his voice is deep when he says this.

"Alexander it is." He rolls his eyes and turns back to his bag.

"Do I need to do anything else?" I ask, referring to my appearance.

"No, the security guards are all wearing masks because of their weird ass mafia code."

Well in that case I'm going to put makeup on because who gives a fuck what a man says.

I grab my makeup bag and start my routine. I won't go all out today since I don't need to. I put on concealer, fill in my eyebrows a little, eyeliner, mascara, lashes, and some nude/pink lipstick.

That sounds like a lot but compared to the amount of makeup that I usually wear it's not that much.

"I thought you said you weren't gonna wear makeup," Alex says, walking into the bathroom. I can see that he's gotten dressed and just as I guessed, he's wearing almost the exact same thing as me.

"I don't wear it for you," I say as I continue putting on my lipstick.

Truth is, I'm confident in my body and how I look but I can't say that I don't feel prettier without makeup on. I put on my jewelry that I left by the sink. I don't like the feel of it when I go to sleep. Alex wears jewelry too, except he doesn't seem to take it off. He wears rings and a silver chain around his neck.

I walk out of the bathroom and he follows me into the room. I grab my trap phone and wallet off of my side table.

"I already talked to Ben and Teague and they aren't going today. Looks like it's just me and you sweet pea," he winks as he holds the door open for me to walk outside.

Oh great.

We walk out to the car and I decide to sit in the passenger seat and let him drive.

We start our drive and it is silent for a bit, until he asked something that I knew he would.

"Are you ready to talk about last night yet?" He doesn't take his eyes off the road.

I'm surprised that it took him this long to ask about last night. I mean I would be curious and probably would ask him about it if the roles were reversed. I can't help but feel like I need to apologize. I think it's also more of an apology to myself for allowing him in even though I know I shouldn't.

"Not really but I'm uh, I'm sorry about last night." I look down and play with my rings.

How is it that he's not saying anything yet? I care about his opinion. I can't help myself from hoping that he doesn't think I'm psycho or something. Anala you're a fucking assassin, and you think the nightmares are what make you psycho?  

I wonder if he has nightmares because of the job. Before I can open my mouth again, he pulls into the parking lot. I look up to see a very big and expensive looking hotel. The hotel is owned by the Santiagos so it would make sense to have it here.

"It's nothing to be sorry for but I hope you know that talking about them helps." He looks over at me. I nod at his words but still can't look him in the eye. I hate how vulnerable I feel around him, I hate that I feel like he might understand the things that others haven't been able to.

To Heal the EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now