𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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Rafe? Who's Rafe? I ask myself. Drew looks up back to the girl and I can see he smiles towards her and nodded his head. Rafe? Again I ask myself. The girl seemed happy and showed her phone to us. I look at her phone. It's some kind of tv show or movie I don't know but i recongines it's Netflix.

"Can we take a picture?" she asked Drew and he nodded.

The girl looked at her nurse and she allowed her. They just take a quick snap on each other's wheelchair in hospital gown. I still had no idea who Rafe is or how the girl recognised him. Maybe he's just some actor. I know Chase just started his acting career a few years ago, but I don't really get a chance to see his art in the film industry. Our hospital treated a lot of celebrities. Later then I brought Drew to the MRI room and helped him get on the bed.

"If you feeling anything bad just say something okay, i can hear you from the monitor room" i said he nodded

I walk to the monitor room to check the scanner. While waiting for it to scan, Dr.Malik joined me in the room. He's a neurosurgeon, one of the attending that is close with our family because he saved Dad a few years ago. Not a singer, but he is hot like Zayn. He's our hot stuff.

"You okay?" he ask as i lay my back to the chair waiting for the result

"Yea, im fine" i nodded my head to him

"I saw what happened back there and how you walk out of chief room"

"It's no big deal" i replied him

He also dated one of my cousins who's a nurse in our hospital. Believe it or not, half of my big family is medical students. My grandma was a chief, her name is everywhere in hospital medical journals. When Drew's MRI result is ready, the scans appear on the screen. There's bleeding in his liver and kidney.

"Prep him for surgery, OR 2" Dr.Malik state i nodded

Walk back to Drew and help him get back on his chair. He asks me if he's okay and I tell him, I'll talk to him and his friend at once when we are in his room. We get in the elevator once again, no conversation.

"Who's that guy with you in the monitor room?" he insisted no looking towards me

"Dr. Malik, one of the best neurosurgeons here." i tell him

"Zayn's cousin?" he laughs

"I don't know, maybe" I joined him and laughed "Why are you asking?" i add

"oh, nothing"

Arriving at his room, the boys helped him to get on the bed and I checked his charts to make sure he's ready for surgery. They waited patiently for me to talk about his MRI result.

"He's internally bleeding in his liver and kidney. It's nothing serious but we need to get him to surgery as soon as we can" i explain it more specifically to them after that

Later then I booked OR2 for Drew's surgery and went to get the surgery forms. When I walk back in, they all look at me like there's blood on my scrubs or something.

"Um, anything wrong?" i ask them

"You call him-" Chase about to finished his line the Rudy closed his mouth

"Pretty boy?" i insisted remembering i said that in ambulance knowing Rudy might tell them that, but it's fine

They slowly nodded their heads to me, I walked to his table and placed the form up there. Drew grabb the form and sign it

"I mean, he is a pretty boy right? Or should I call him 'pretty man'?" i winking to him, he scoff then laughs

I can see how the girls look at him then back to me, like there's a conversation in their head i think she likes you kind of face. it's doesn't bear me much. A lot of patients in their 20s try to flirt with doctors or nurses in this hospital. It's the usual things that happen around me everyday.

𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 [ᴅʀᴇᴡ sᴛᴀʀᴋᴇʏ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ]Where stories live. Discover now