Lily of the Valley

Start from the beginning

As Yuuji got bigger, Sukuna became more gentler. As he got bigger, his stomach distending more than the mortal women/Omega, his movements were restricted to bed rest or Sukuna carrying him around in his arms.

Ryouta came into the world screaming, all red and angry. The babe was larger than a mortal babe, bearing his father's tattoos on his body and markings under his eyes like his parents.

During Yuuji's pregnancy, Sukuna and Uraume noticed that what little Cursed Energy Yuuji had was changing. He soon developed markings under his eyes, making his lord suspect that he might gain another set of eyes.

Ryouta has his mother falling in love quickly with him, all cleaned up swaddled in a silk cloth, nursing on his swollen nipple.

The two parents stared down at him with pride and happiness, scent marking him.

Of course, Fate had a funny sense of humour.

Ryouta's day was ruined by the ambush of the blasted Jujutsu Sorcerers. 

With the help of Uraume, Yuuji escaped the burning Temple with a sleeping Ryouta in his arms, tears running down his cheeks as he left Sukuna behind to fight their enemies.

Centuries passed and Yuuji with his son and Uraume roamed the earth - forever immortals. Ryouta grew up to be as fierce and powerful as his father but quite kind hearted like his mother. He had two forms: his cursed form and mortal form. He developed Sukuna's tendency for blood bath but kept it on a low. A pure psychopath.

Yuuji teared up every now and then at the handsome hybrid his son had grown up to become. Just like his father, who was now lost to them and his fingers sealed and scattered over the world.

After centuries away from Japan, the three went back to the land where it all began, and with it drama welcomed them.

Some unlucky bastard from Yuuji's family line had became the Vessel of his Lord. 

Sukuna was alive.

And thus began the mission of bringing his Lord back to life. Yuuji and his son became players in the background, watching Kenjaku's progress with the Itadori kid.

Not impressed with the whole delay, Yuuji took matters into his own hands and got the rest of Sukuna's fingers.

Ryouta, Uraume, Kenjaku and another watched in amusement as Yuuji forced down the rest of Sukuna's fingers down the brat's throat. Around them, corpses of both civilians and Sorcerers littered the ground of the newly destroyed Shibuya.

Yuuji stepped back and watched as the kid's body rippled and then ripped and tore with abnormal growth and muscles. 

The Omega placed his hand on his chest and gave a small bow to the revived Curse before him. On the sideline, Uraume gave a low bow.

"My Lord." Yuuji greeted.

"Consort." Sukuna greeted back. The Curse was naked - not that he even cared. "I see that you're still alive."

Yuuji raised his head and regarded Sukuna with a pout. "Your vote of confidence is still as flattering as always, I see."

Sukuna just grinned at him. The Curse materialized a kimono on his four armed form, as well as socks and geta sandals. His eyes caught sight of Uraume and he snorted in amusement. 

"I see that Uraume is still alive as well." The King of Curses looked down at his scowling consort with amused eyes. "I feared that your nagging and sense of righteousness had killed them by now."

Yuuji's eyes narrow into slits. "I see that you're begging to get sealed once again. Please, stretch forth your hands so that I might get rid of your fingers."

Sukuna boomed with laughter. He took Yuuji into his arms and gave the Omega a breath taking kiss. "I'm pleased that you haven't lost your sense of humor, gaki."

Yuuji huffed, slapping Sukuna's chest in a playful manner. "Idiot."

Ryouta walked over to his parents, his hands in his pockets. 

Sukuna watched as the hybrid approach, taking a good look at the mortal. The Curse was disappointed by his appearance but his disappointment was lifted by the strong aura of his Cursed Energy.

"Sukuna sama, this is Ryouta, our son." Yuuji introduced. "Ryou kun, your father, Ryoumen Sukuna."

"So, you're the unlucky bastard who got sealed by those idiots?" Ryouta began, his monotonous voice mocking. "Weak, don't you think?" The man smirked at Sukuna.

Sukuna's lips twitched in amusement. That cockiness... oh, he was his son alright. 

"Trust me, it won't happen again." Sukuna replied, his eyes shining with amusement. 

"It better not, or I'll kill you myself."

Yuuji rolled his eyes. How typical of his boys.

Everyone's head turned towards the direction of the approaching Sorcerers. One in particular had the interest of both father and son.

"Gojo!" Ryouta exclaimed in happiness, getting the attention of his father. 

Sukuna's brows raised in interest at the pure diabolical expression that took over his son's bored face. His lips were stretched into a demented grin and his amber eyes took on a red shine.

Right before his very eyes, Ryouta changed form, taking on a twelve foot behemoth appearance with Sukuna's markings and four arms, and welding a scythe of all things.

The hybrid flickered over to the enemy in great speed, even shocking Sukuna - his feet denting the ground and creating a shockwave that fluttered their clothes. Some Sorcerers were unlucky and they were cut down, the slash of Ryouta's weapon creating a crater in the ground.

"Ma~ What unlucky mortals." Yuuji sighs out, a fond smile on his lips as he watched his son create mayhem and destruction, clearly enjoying the fight and challenge. "It's been a while since Ryou kun had let loose. I pity them." The Omega chuckled.

Sukuna's facial expression twisted into that of demented glee and pride as he watched his son cut down one Sorcerer after another.

Yuuji moved closer to his lord and sighed in happiness when the Curse laid a hand on his shoulder, holding him close.

The Omega closed his eyes with a happy hum, ignoring the fight going on.

At last, they were together again. And this time, nothing would separate them. Yuuji would make sure of it.

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