"He's totally your type!"

"Y'all would have the most beautiful babies!"

"We could have a double wedding!"

"Hold your horses." I stop them before they go any further. "We aren't doing this right now. This is Lily's time, leave me out of it if it doesn't pertain to Maid of Honor duties. Got it?"

"Kill joy," Lily says. I'm taken by surprise.

"You can't be serious! You too?"

"Uh, yeah! I'm going to get more details on him from Jameson, but honestly I think he's an absolute doll," Lily tells me. She takes my hand in hers. "I want you to enjoy this weekend, in whatever capacity that may be. But to do that, you've got to face the facts."

I stare back at her.

"The guy you thought you'd never see again, is here. Now. At your Inn. If you can't see that this is some type of meant to be situation, then I have no hope for you, ever."


Lily's words resonate with me long after the guests have gone back to their rooms. It's about 10 pm now. I stop in the kitchen to make sure Mila doesn't need any help but she's cleaned everything up already and is on her way home for a few hours of sleep before breakfast. I sent AnnaBeth home at 9, along with Jeremy. I grab the cleaning supplies from the hall closet by my office and set to clean up any missed spots around the foyer and dining area.

Once that is complete I take a broom to the back patio. The quicker I get this done the quicker I can retreat to my sanctuary. I'm so engrossed in sweeping that I don't hear the door open. "Oh, sorry! I didn't think anyone was out here."

"Did you need something Mr. Evans?"

"Please, call me Chris."

"Not sure I can do that when I'm at my place of business and you're a guest." I quickly finish up my sweeping and start placing the chairs and tables back in their rightful places.

"Let me help you," he offers as he's already picking up a chair.

"Um, no thank you. Like I said, you're a guest. Guests don't work here at Magnolia," I tell him.

"Ok, then yes there is something I need."

I stop what I'm doing and look at him directly. "What can I do for you?"

"I need your number," he says while crossing his arms in front of him.

"That's not really a need, ya know. That's more of a want," I remind him.

Chris takes a couple steps towards me. "See, that's where you're wrong. I NEED to know how to get in touch with this woman that has been on my mind for the last two weeks."

I shake my head, a small chuckle escaping my lips. "This is obviously not your first rodeo. That was too well rehearsed to be off the top of your head, Maverick."

"On the contrary, Shirley, it most certainly was," he assures me as he takes another step closer to me.

I move a few steps away from him, returning back to moving the furniture in its rightful place, partially to end this conversation and otherwise to hide the tinge of red that I know is creeping towards my cheeks. He see's me struggle with the wicker couch and comes to my rescue.

"Well, that about does it. You should get some rest. I think you've got a round of golf with the groomsmen tomorrow morning." I move back towards to door, opening it to return to the inside of the Inn, carrying the broom back to the hall closet.

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora