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"No, not when you're angry and grabbing my wrist like that," I take a step back, pressing my back against Carson's door.

Jaxon inhales a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to grab your wrist tightly. Please just come with me, you drive or we can just walk around."

"You're scaring me, Jaxon. I don't like the way you're acting, I don't feel comfortable around you right now," looking down at my fingers.

"Can I at least walk you to your apartment?" Jaxon takes a step back, offering me space.

"I think it's better if we just don't talk for the rest of the day, Jaxon," beginning to walk towards the elevator, I could hears footsteps becoming more and more faint.

Peeking over my shoulder, Jaxon opens the door to the staircase. I could see him wipe his face, my eyebrows furrow but I shrug it off.

As I was about to open the elevator door, I voice catches my attention sooner. "So you gonna get your ass back in here or what?"

Carson has a smirk plastered on his face, I return with a smile. "I don't know if that's a good idea, I don't want him to feel betrayed. You know?"

He nods in response before disappearing back into his apartment. In that moment, his words before Jaxon's loud knocking replayed in my head.

Quickly walking over to his door, I knock and wait. A few moments later, Carson opens the door with a joint hanging in between his lips.

"Long time no see, pretty girl. Make yourself at home," sarcasm laced within his words.

I let out a short laugh, "No flirty, my boyfriend wouldn't like that very much."

"Let me guess, mister professor is the lucky man?" Carson starts looking through his fridge, I take a seat at the kitchen counter, leaving his back facing me.

"He is, he makes me happy. Jaxon is just going through some things, it happens to all of us," my fingers begin to play with each other in attempt to calm my nerves.

Closing the refrigerator doors, he turns around with two bottles, apple juice and orange juice. "Pick one."

"Apple juice, hands down," Carson's eyes widen slightly.

"And you people call me weird for like mint chocolate chip ice cream," he takes a seat across from me after sliding the bottle over to me.

"Do you still want to talk about it?" Carson links his eyes with mine as he takes a sip of his drink, then shaking his head.

"No," he licks his lips. "What I do wanna talk about is how I take you out for your birthday, you then beg me to fuck you, and now all of sudden you have a boyfriend that you care so much for."

Carson tilts his head as he shakes it in disapproval. My heart beat quickens in pace, "Why does it matter to you?"

"It doesn't, I would like to know but of course you don't have to say anything. What I think though is how it's not fair to that professor of yours, how easy it is for me to get you wet, without even touching you. maybe that's why he's so upset with you. Cause you're right here in front of me in the home of another man that knows exactly how good you taste," with every sentence, Carson leans closer to me, until I can feel his cool breath hovering over my lips.

My breathing becomes heavy, freezing in the moment and goosebumps forming along my skin. I push my chair back, furthering myself and intaking a deep breath.

"Stop," I look away and grab my stuff. Carson puts his hands up, "Don't gotta tell me twice."

"I came here to help you, to be a fucking friend. Not for you to fucking rub in my face that we had something and to get Jaxon mad. Then getting close to my face and accusing Jaxon of serious. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Carson chuckles, "Nothing wrong with me, you gotta remember I'm seeing the bigger picture from the outside perspective. The perspective you're to manipulated to see."

"I'm leaving," I head towards the door. "Okay, just remember you're talking to a victim that's been in your exact position."

"Shut up, please, just shut the fuck up. I'm not a child, I'm a grown woman, he's not fucking grooming me." Unlocking his door, swinging it open.

"A vulnerable woman, goodnight Jade," Not turning around, I ignore his remark and walk back to the elevator. Hearing his door close, I click the elevator button.

After the ding, the doors slide open and reveal Aria. "Hey, love. Your professor is waiting for you back at the apartment. I'm gonna go see Carson and surprise him!" Engulfing me in a quick hug before hurrying up to his dorm not giving me a chance to react.

Waiting at my apartment? What the fuck.

Clicking my floor, the elevator raises, opening. Turning, I see Jaxon sitting on the floor, his arms folded on-top of his knees, burying his face.

"I'm sorry, he was having a breakdown, I just wanted to help him," looking down at Jaxon, he picks himself up, culling my face he places his lips on mine.

"Don't apologize, I'm sorry for the way I reacted and getting aggressive. I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so sorry. It won't happen again, I promise," Pressing his forehead against mine, I see his cheeks redden and his lower lashes damp.

"Don't cry, my love. It's okay, it's okay," Running my hands through his hair. "Let's watch a show, fuck going out. Let's just binge a show together."

A smile forms upon his face, "I would really like that." Kissing my forehead, he takes a step back, letting me unlock the door. "You look good," he says behind me.

Looking back, I send him a smile, "Thank you handsome." Placing my belongings on the counter, feeing his arms wrap around me and his head in the crook of my neck.


i wrote this whole chapter on my phone lol

sorry for the late updates, life has been pretty busy!

i love you all <3

dont forget to vote & comment! it is greatly appreciated!

word count : 1,047

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