"If you don't mind, can I ask who?" Jade asks curiously.

"She used to be a very close friend of mine, we were childhood friends, went to the same school, we were practically twins. Her name was Delilah Evans." The woman smiles, her eyes had a faraway look in them.

Jade's mouth drops open in shock as she takes in her words, "You knew my grandma?"

The woman's blue-green eyes switch to Jade's in seconds, her hands clasping both of Jade's shoulders.

"My God." her eyes turned glassy, "No wonder, you look just like her. I can't believe this," she says.

"I- I didn't get your name," Jade says, causing the woman to facepalm.

"I totally forgot to introduce myself. I'm Joan." Jade was about to introduce herself when the woman lifts a hand, causing Jade to stop.

"I already know who you are. You are the Adryan's Mate, Jade." The woman says, causing Jade's eyes to widen.

"How?" she asks, stumped.

"Did you already forget the fact that you were officially initiated into the pack house less than one week ago?" Joan asks with humour lacing her words.

"Oh," Jade says with a sudden realization.

"I can, I ask you something if you don't mind," Jade asks, there was something Jade wanted to ask her since the moment Jade met Joan.

"What is it, dear?" Joan asks curiously.

"It's just that you don't smell like a werewolf..." Jade trails off, Jade didn't want to offend her,  in case she was an omega or an unfortunate soul that never shifted. Joan laughs out loud at Jade's question.

"Did I say something funny?" Jade asks confusedly.

"No, No, Not at all. I'm not a werewolf" her answer makes Jade feel sad, yet Joan kept her smile.

"I'm sorry-" Jade starts to say, but Joan's next words surprise her. "I'm a seer," Joan says, causing Jade to look at Jade with awe.

Only a few among the werewolf population is selected to be a seer, personally by the Moon Goddess. Seers were said to be wise spirits who guided the pack during tough situations. They had the ability to have spiritual insight, and predict the future, or an oncoming disaster. Just like the decreasing witch population, only a handful of seers are said to remain.

"You should bring those to Adryan immediately. Might get cold" Joan points towards the container in Jade's hands.

"How did you-your seer vision" Jade answers her own question, causing Joan to look at her knowingly.

"I should go, but it was nice meeting you, Joan. I hope we can catch up some other time."

"Sure. It was good meeting you too, Jade." Joan says, Jade smiles in reply and starts heading towards the pack house once again. A voice calling her name from behind her makes her stop and turn back.

"Be careful" Joan says to her, her voice serious unlike their previous light hearted conversation. Jade nods her head and continues on her way.


"You should stop staring at me like that" Adryan says, his ocean blue eyes still glued onto the laptop he had been working on, a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

His words startled Adeena. Adeena was in Adryan's office, she was sitting on a love seat which faced towards where Adryan sat on his chair working on his laptop on God knows what for the past few hours. He hadn't said anything beside greet her when she came in, his ignorance annoyed her, but she kept quiet, pretending to read a book for the past half an hour while staring at his work. Adryan was an extremely good-looking, with him growing a scruff over a week, and the glasses only contributed more to his looks.

Alpha Adryan (Romano Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now