Chapter 85 | Fractured

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We didn't leave his mother's house.
After the wedding chaos, Erin and Delia sat us down.

We entered through the door, Sandrine, Levai and I, and Sandrine pressed her ears to the loud voices.
"-And you're not firing the only person that has treated me like a human since I came back."

"She slept with my-"

"Oh give it a rest Delie, this family has more than enough of its dirty laundry to critique the child your ex cared for." 

I looked back at Levai, finding his hand to hold.

I didn't like how carelessly his past was being thrown around. From the look on his face, he didn't like it either.

"Can we just sit and talk about this like normal people do?" Sandrine's voice calls the attention of all of us.

Levai guides me into the kitchen, where Delia and Erin were arguing. Over me.

"Oh children please sit." Erin asks, and I do start to feel like a child.

We go to the couch outside that overlooks the garden, and Levai hasn't taken his hand out of mine.

He's scared.

Not of them, but of himself.

He didn't like how angry he had gotten, and I didn't blame him. It wasn't like him, to release every thought that came in.

"You going to start?" Erin asks her wife. It's clear that Delia loves her. I don't think she'd even look at her son right now if it weren't for her input.

"I- oh for fuck's sake."

"I'm sorry." She says and I think it's the most genuine thing I've ever heard from her since we met.

"You did lie to me Miriam. I know I was drunk that day, but I perfectly remember asking you if you were fucking my son." Her eyes narrow in on mine.

"I know Delia, and I'm truly sorry for lying." I mean it. I felt guilty for doing so the entire car ride here. "I was worried of your response, and I didn't want to be fired. I love working here, and I was worried that my feelings for Levai would cause me not only to get fired here, but from my company."

I'm rambling, but she seems pleased with my answer. "I can understand that."

"I can't understand why you would be so hypocritical Delia. At times, you act like your a mother to me, and then at others I'm my only father's son. Choose which it is, and stick with it. I'm not going to plead for you to recognise me as either." His chest seems to inflate and exhale at his words, like he's been itching for this moment for a while now. I guess he has.


"Y-You are my son Levai."
"I'm sorry for your upbringing. For not being there for you. There's no excuses for it. I never wanted to be a mother, and I knew your father would take care of you, the both of you, way better than I ever could."

"Why have another if you hated it so much?" Sandrine enquires, and she looks just as defeated as Levai.

"I begged her for one." Erin interjects.

"What you said was true Levai." Delia's eyes look to the ground, "this family is full of lies."

"In my mind, you were supposed to be the untainted one."

I tainted him?

"I'm sorry Delia, but that seems woefully unfair. He has been nothing but perfect towards me, before we even started anything. He's allowed to make mistakes, like anyone should be and does."

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