Chapter 24 | Neutrality

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I could practically feel my jaw tense at the sound of them.

Miriam was ahead of me, jumping up and down a second ago, and it all came to a halt.

I wanted nothing more than to scream at them to leave, to rewind time, to just give us a day to ourselves.

"Hi Anne, Carla." They ran towards us, or me rather. They hadn't noticed Miriam from the distance, but once they did, Anne did a double take. I gave her a look that read, don't voice anything.

"Hanging with the help now Lee? Wow you must be lonely."

This was the side of Carla I hated the most, the elitist, pretentious bullshit that read bank details are what determine worth.

I looked over at Miriam, seeing her face tilted towards the ground. She'd pretend that what was said didn't matter, that it wasn't hurtful, that she could live with it and live with Carla. All I wanted was to wrap my arms around her and shove my tongue down her throat just to spite Carla but I knew that Miri wouldn't have that.

"Ella y yo hemos desarrollado una amistad que ayuda a establecer el profesionalismo. Además, ella tiene nuestra edad, Carla, no seas tan perra." [Her and I have developed a friendship, it helps establish professionalism. Plus she's our age, Carla, don't be such a bitch.]

Carla took my words and twisted them into a joke, mistaking my disgust for mere banter.

"Well Levai and friend, we were just heading to the pub. I wanted to show Carla Cornwall's nightlife."

"I say London has better nightlife like in the movies but Anne says that since Cornwall has nothing to do all day, they make sure to put a lot in drinking and drugs as a pass time." Her accent was alot stronger than ours, and I could feel Miriam step closer to us.

"Join us." Anne said, and I could feel the warmness of my friend from a week ago return.

I looked at Miriam to see her eyes look skeptical and I realised the toy was still vibrating inside of her. Turning it off, I decided that this may be way more fun than dinner.

"We'd love to."

Her eyes darted to mine as she awkwardly held the back of her neck.

"Why did you bring a jacket weirdo it was so hot."



"So Miriam what is your life story?" Carla seemed to be both repulsed and fascinated with me.

Truth was, I hadn't had much, the most eventful parts of my life were my father's death, my relationship with Elijah, and my... well situation with Levai.

I'd travelled the entirety of Europe which helped establish parts of my character but they were often for a couple weeks at a family's holiday home that needed establishing at a time. Wealthy people were often concerned with purchasing homes and making sure they were looked over by someone British to begin with before allowing others to take over for it. It made visiting Florence or Amsterdam a fleeting memory all in the name of employment.

"I left home at 17, joined the agency that Delia is apart close to my 18th, oh witnessed the death of my father before that, struggled with body image until I'd say around last year and I've done a fair bit of travelling." I'd said with a neutral expression.

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