Chapter 39 | Evolve

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Don't ask for my permission, ask for theirs.

The words rang in my ears and practically burned them off. Not only did I have to get up, feeling the heat within me slowly drip down from my legs as I was denied a climax, but I had to go to people I hadn't even spoken to 1-1 for more than five minutes to ask if I could their best friend could let me cum.

Note to self: never. And I repeat never. Tell Levai he's ugly infront of his friends.

I'd been bratty once we returned from the club, liquor poisoning both our tongues as we exchanged blissful movements. It's effects wore off the moment we got inside, desire only taking over us. It practically dripped off of our bodies and only cooled down once the beads of sweat collected in both our lower backs, releasing our pent up energy.

He was so aware of when I was feeling submissive and turning bratty to when I craved dominance and wanted him as a sub, so much so that I was beginning to think he was psychic. Still, with every delicious idea he came up with, my pussy only got wetter as a result of it.

"H-hi." The word barely comes out alive as I enter into the hallway, to where just Samael is.

He does a side take, making it clear he knows my appearance is regarded, but it seemed like he had the intention of looking back down, exposed or otherwise. Regardless, I noticed when he did a double take to see what was so interesting about this latest predicament.

Theo was asleep on the sofa, passed out was better like it. He drank more than any of us combined, and I would be surprised if he wasn't hurling into next week come daybreak. Still, even with his cold sweats, his beauty remained perfectly intact, as his dark golden hair covered the upper half of his face.

"Hello." He says back, and it seems as if his voice is huskier than usual. "I-I'm supposed to ask you something."

He's now fully looking into my eyes, and I feel the weight of his stare. Fuck me, this guy was intimidating.

"Go on." He taunts, and I swear my shame rose through my skull but I guess that's what Levai wanted. The words struggle to come out of my mouth, and I can hear Levai's smirk all the way from his bedroom as he stands at its threshold.

"Funny story. See I-I haven't been allowed to..." I try to fix the small shirt I'm wearing, feeling it ride up as I took my small steps. I wasn't successful.

He rose from his sitting position, with a look I can't quite read. I was completely right earlier when I thought that he was massive, though I was used to Levai's height. He couldn't have been taller than him, but his stature and domineering presence made it difficult to breathe nonetheless.

He holds onto the end of my chin, facing it upwards.

"Je n'ai pas toute la journée chérie." [I don't have all day darling.] He lets out, and I grasp at the couple of words that he speaks.

That GCSE in French may be put to use after all.

Have, day, darling.


He didn't bother translating, and with his look he didn't have to. There was something that just translated naturally with his body language screaming, you'll always do as you're told.

"I have to ask.. for your permission to come." His expression didn't change, and I could feel myself falling into the ground. How I managed to stay upright was an absolutely mystery to me.

"Have you been a good girl?" I shake my head. "Tell me everything you've done wrong."

"I called Levai ugly when we were outside.." he traced his finger underneath my face. "I hesitated when he told me to get on all fours."

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora