Chapter 44 | Chérie

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"So what's this film called again?"

I look to my left to where Samael is sitting.
"Les Enfants du Paradis." I couldn't exactly curl my tongue in the right way, so I'd convinced Samael to be my translator.

Theo placed a bowl of popcorn in between his legs. "a-and I'm supposed to know what that means?"

"Thought you were fluent in French." I wink at him.
He cleared his throat. "Of course I am."

Samael seemed to actually be interested in an activity I'd suggested for once. A lot of the time he just went along with the tasks Theo liked, be it going to the diner, watching football, going on rollercoasters.

This was the only thing that I'd wanted to do for a while now, and having someone share the same love for black and white movies was refreshing.

Theo, on the other hand, was ready to chime in during the experience.

Samael pulls the sheet down and puts on the projector. Delia's renovators had taken away the television set, and replaced it with a projector instead. By placing Theo's laptop into the input, the movie started to play.

"Was the director colourblind or something?" I let out a snort. "Theodore. You can't honestly tell me you've never seen a movie that was in black and white."

"Darling, technological advancements in the last half of the century occurred for a reason." He taunted.

Samael's eyes were glued to the screen. Removing the bowl from Theodore's lap, I shoved a handful of popcorn into my mouth. It was sweet, just like Theo was. Samael's salt flavoured popcorn was untouched, sitting on the table.

"This is totally unrealistic." The movie is halfway through, and Theo keeps fidgeting in his seat.

"What do you mean?"

"Four guys? She has four guys after her?"

"Not into the idea of a love square?"

"I'm more of a love triangle guy myself Miriam." He winked at me.

We both rolled our eyes at that one.

I threw a popcorn bundle onto him, to which he attempted to catch the flying fluffy bundles with his mouth wide open. His jaw flexed when he did that and I couldn't help but want to see it happen again.

"Shhh... no drooling Miriam. I'm watching the movie."

He held his legs up, and I even saw Samael's shoulders start to relax. The amount of tension he held there must have been ridiculously painful.

His eyes sank deeper into the film, whilst Theo's started to close. It was an hour till midnight, but even I was starting to feel the weight of sleep.

We're seeing one of my favourites at the moment my love. I send the message out and then return it to it's locked position.

"How's Levai?" Samael asks, which for some reason still surprises me whenever he talks. He was a man of little words, but it only made me appreciate them so much more once he spoke.

"He's good, studying hard. He has another interview that he has to do tomorrow so I told him, well no forced him is more like it, to get an early sleep."

He nodded his head, seeming satisfied with my answer.

He only ever really spoke when Theodore was awake and pushing his sarcasm onto others. With Theo completely passed out, I'd say this was progress.

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