Chapter 83 | Image

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"The blood.."

I close my eyes and open them, and now his suit is pristine.

It looks like the same one he wore the night I was raped.

I was in Levai's arms, my eyes were closed and.. he came out. Blood dripping down his shirt.

And now my eyes can't differentiate his suit being clean or bloodstained.

He looks down, where my gaze is firmly held. I hardly say anything, yet he's able to interpret what I mean, so he takes it off. He removes his jacket, and then unbuttons his shirt, revealing his body that's covered in ink.

Now the blood is dripping onto the grass from the side.

"Miriam, you're at Lizbet's wedding."

I know.

In the back of my mind, I'm painfully aware.

But at the front, I'm stuck in that apartment building, balling Theo's shirt in my arms, as I try to remove the scent of Elijah on top of me.

"I'm going to get help... okay? I'm not leaving, I just need to get Levai." His words are filled with worry, a tone that I haven't often heard from him.

Even his words are slightly louder then the whisper he usually lets out.

He wants me to hear him.
So I do.

I nod, and I feel my spine start to pulsate. It ached in the position he forced me into, and now it starts to ache again.

You'll never forget it Miri. The pain screams.

I don't want to forget it.

I just want to move on from it.

Sandrine and Levai come out of the venue, with anxiety riddled all over their faces. Sandrine stands above me, her little platform heels are the only thing I see. Levai kneels infront of me, tilting my head upwards.

"Mi amor, what happened?" He avoids touching me anywhere else.

Thank you.

"A-Anne.. she said you were heartbroken because I went back to my ex." My eyes start to pour with tears, and a grey veil covers my sight.

"Lo juro por Dios, voy a tirar a esa chica por un precipicio-" ["I swear to God I'm going to throw that girl off a cliff-"]

"Sandrine, detente." ["Sandrine, stop."]

I start to cough, feeling his arms wrap me into him. I don't feel scared.

For the first time since it's happened, my mind is truly able to decipher that this is Levai. This is his hands on me, and no one else's.

"I-I'm sorry." I sob into his shoulder.
"What for?" He asks, and Sandrine and Samael return indoors.

"If you thought I was going back to Elijah when I ended us." I feel his hand start to stroke the ends of my hair, as he slightly rocks the two of us on the ground.

"I never thought you were going back to him, I knew that you needed distance to get stronger." My dark tears stain against his white shirt, "and now you're the strongest person I know."

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