Prologue Chapter 3

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Everything was quiet and peaceful. The starry night sky was peeking out through the trees that surrounded the area a bit as it left big gaps in some places covered by bushes, and water dew on some of the leaves glistening by the stars. The sound of chirping crickets, owl's hooting and gentle winds blowing by was all that can be heard all around. It was peaceful.

But from far away, it wasn't very much peaceful. The battle ground seems to be either an old or a now destroyed building of some sort, loud roars and crashing sounds can be heard as it sounds like explosions, huge rocks that seem to be parts from a building came shooting down and landed on the ground, breaking them even more making them smaller. A huge thick cloud of dust scattered everywhere, making it hard to see what was going on. Then a figure shot out from the thick cloud and landed on the ground with a thud, making a grunting sound as it did, making more dust come up. As it cleared it showed a familiar girl kneeling on her knees covered in scratches and burn marks, clothes torn up showing parts of skin, slowly getting up and glared at something in front of her with a growl leaving her throat, clutching what seems to be some kind of sword that shaped like a key.

In the thick cloud another figure, a huge one, came up heading her way. But this one wasn't human, it was some kind of beast twice her size, in the same status as the girl. Fangs bared, growling at the girl as it stopped a few feet away from her. Both of them badly injured from attacking each other as a black substance was coming out of their wounds instead of blood, panting heavily almost on the verge of collapse any minute as they kept growling at each other. They were about to attack each other again, but they stopped when they heard voices heading their way.

"Did you hear that?"

"It came from over here!"

The sound of footsteps were getting closer, the beast growled even louder while the girl only glared at the coming intruders for a different reason. They were about to head to where the voices were, but something stopped them from moving. They looked down and saw chains around their ankles, climbing up to their legs, binding them in chains. Attempting to break out, more chains appeared and latched on to them, next thing they knew a hooded figure appeared before them. The voices can't be heard anymore, it almost sounded like they weren't heading their way anymore and went somewhere else.

The girl looked at the hooded figure as if she recognized them from somewhere as the beast only growled at them, struggling to break out of its binds. The hooded figure looked at them without making a sound and pulled out a key. They then placed the key on the ground and turned it, making it look like they were unlocking something. When that happened, the ground suddenly lit up around them as a spell circle appeared. The girl and the beast were startled by this and struggled to get out of their binds as the spell circle lit up even more, blinding them by the light, making them let out a loud roar.

...........And then everything went blank.

Ramshackle Dorm - Bedroom

Hibiki woke up in a gasp as she laid on her bed, her hair was spread all over the bed as some fell off on the side, the blanket that was covering her was tussled around barely covering her now. At the foot of the bed, Grim was sleeping there all spread out on his back, snoring. She wanted to giggle at how adorable that was, but went against it and shifted a little, carefully so that she wouldn't wake Grim up.

She tiredly look at her bedroom, seeing that she still have to clean this place up: all covered in dust, cobwebs hanging on the walls as the wallpaper was peeling off, she couldn't see the outside cause of the boarded up windows, the fireplace was full of soot that was piling up with candlesticks on top not lit, the mirror looked so grimy that she couldn't even see her own reflection, a tilted coo-coo clock right next to it as well as a old picture frame on the other side, a hat rack that was knocked over but now up with Hibiki's hat on it. The only furniture here was a sofa chair covered up in a sheet, the bed that she was laying on was also dirty with a lamp hanging over her head with the rug almost fully under it, a drawer on the side of the bed and an painting easel with a canvas was on the other side of the bed covered up.

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