The Crimson Tyrant: Chapter 7

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Heartslabyul Dorm - Rose Maze

         After they got thrown out, they walked through the Rose Maze still in their Heartslabyul uniforms, trying to head back to school grounds. Ace was still pissed after what happened that he walked ahead then the others, he was cursing things under his breath as his hand were in his pockets. Grim was right next to Deuce as they walked behind Ace from a few feet away, their faces cast down as they looked at the collar that was around their necks. And in the way back was Hibiki, holding Garnet in her arms as Nova was on her shoulder and Cocoa was under her hat. She was walking in a slow pace, making a big gap between her and the others as she was lost in thought.

Drip Drip

"!!" Hibiki let out a silent gasp as she heard that familiar dripping sound again. Looking back, her eyes widen in shock when she saw a bunch of black wisp heading where the Rose Garden was, just as she blinked, she find herself in the red dark void again. Her arms fell to her sides, seeing that she was all alone again in the mysterious place. Looking back to where the black wisp was heading, she let out a gasp when her eyes fell upon Riddle, who was far from her.

Under him was the puddle of black ink that merge with the ones that just fell from the wisp as the rest was swirling around Riddle. Hibiki looked at him in worry as she stretched out her hand to him, but she retracted it back when his figure started to glitch out as a new appearance came to, only for a short time as it change him back to his normal self. It's been going on for a few minutes as Hibiki watched in fear as he clutched her hand to where her heart was as it was beating quite fast. Soon black puddle started to slowly rise up behind Riddle as it started to form into something that brought far into Hibiki's soul. When she blinked again, she let out another quiet gasp when she saw Riddle in front of her, his skin was in a dark pale color as he peered down at her with a cold empty stare as his eyes were also different. Hibiki let out a shaky breath just as his hand reach to her face.

"Damn it!" Ace shouted as he kicked the ladder that was near one of the rose bushes, snapping Hibiki out of her trance. "I'm so pissed off! That little red-haired menace! Does he plan on turning into the Queen of Hearts himself?!"

Hibiki placed a hand to her face as she steadied her breathing as cold sweat formed. She didn't know that when she was in her trace as he arms fell to her side, she accidently let go of Garnet as Nova jumped off her shoulder as she felt it slacked a bit, Cocoa flew out from under her hat as the three of them looked at Hibiki with worry as the blonde stared at the ground. ''

"Getting thrown out for disobeying the Prefect..." Deuce said as he touched his collar. "I'm slowly drifting away from becoming a model student..."

"Ugh, this collar is so suffocating and heavy, yanno?" Grim grunted as he tried to move his collar to get more comfortable.

"......." Hibiki stayed silent as she looked at her friends in their despair.

"What's up with all of ya~?" a mysterious males voice said out of nowhere. The group look around to find out where the voice was coming from. Hibiki let out a small yelp when she felt something on top of her head, getting the others attention and what they saw was a floating above her was a head with short, choppy purple hair with his bangs cut in a curve, as well as three bobby pins pinned to the bang on the left side of his face. He has a pair of purple cat ears with a piercing of a speech bubble containing the word "up" in his left ear as well as three arrow piercings in his right ear. He has yellow eyes with slitted cat pupils. "Wearin' all those collars like that~"

. . . . .

"WHA–!!???" they all screamed in fear when they saw him.

"GYAHHHH!!! A HEADLESS GHOST!!" Grim shouted as Garnet let out a growling hiss at the person while Nova and Cocoa looked at him.

"Oh, oopsies~ I forgot to show ya my body." He said as the rest of his body appeared out of thin air. He wears a baggy white shirt over a striped purple t-shirt, and blue pants with a purple belt that has the sentence "Do you stand on your head?" printed on it. He has purple painted nails and wears a ring shaped like the Cheshire Cat's smile on his right hand.

"Wh-what the... So you've got a body, too..." Deuce said as he stepped back a bit. "You are?"

"I'm Alchemi Alchemivich Pinkaa." the male introduced himself. "I got kitty magic, but also human magic. I'm sorta a weird guy."

"Alche—Come again?" Ace said as he tried to say his name but got tongue tied.

"Ufufu, everyone calls me Che'nya~" Che'nya said as he held Hibiki. "At the very least, I'm super different from those guys in there~"

'Another weird dude...' Hibiki said in her head before looking back at him. "What dorm are you from?"

"Try guessin' what dorm I'm from~" Che'nya said with a teasing grin as he pinched Hibiki's cheek and gave it a light pull.

"Stop it!!" Hibiki said as she flail around Che'nya's hold.

Grim lightly slammed his paw to his other paw. "I got it! You got cat ears, so you're from Mackerel... Savanya Dorm!"

"Boo, boo, wrong~!" Che-nya made a noise and use both his index fingers to make an 'X'. "Mackerel live in the sea, remember? I'm a cat, so I'm not a mackerel."

"There are people who have different ears in the other dorms, too, you know?" Deuce said to Grim.

"I think he means Savanaclaw!" Hibiki said still in Che'nya's hold.

"Fufufu~ Even though you got the name right, it's still not it, Little Kitten~" Che'nya said tickling her sides, making her laugh.

'What is she, your little sister?' the males said in their heads as they looked at the scene in front of them.

Ace clicked his tongue and glared at Che'nya. "I'm in a bad mood 'cause that little tyrant was being unreasonable. Go away."

"Riddle's a tyrant..." this caught the Neko's attention, stopping him from tickling Hibiki. "Fufufu, well I guess there's some truth in that~" Chey'nya said as he finally let go of the girl. "That guy's been a little stickler for the rules since he was little... Fufufu~"

"Do you know something about it?" Deuce asked.

"I guess you could say that I do, but then at the same time I can say that I don't~" Che'nya said with a grin as he raised his arms to the back of his head.

"Which is it?" Grim said with confusion.

"Do you or do you not know?" Hibiki asked.

"What~? Ya guys wanna know about Riddle~?" Che'nya asked while lightly placing his arm on top of Hibiki's head with her hat on his.

"Hell yeah, we do." Ace said in anger. "I wanna know who raised a little tyrant like that."

Che'nya smile widely and made his hands like glassed and placed it over his eyes. "Then, go ask that glasses guy~"

"Glasses guy..." Deuce thought for a second before realizing. "You mean, Clover-senpai?"

"That guy's known Riddle since he was a kid." Che'nya said. "If I were you, I'd go ask him if I wanted to know more about Riddle~"

"Trey-senpai and Riddle-senpai knew each other when they were little?" Hibiki said in question.

"So they're childhood friends?" Deuce said. "They didn't give off that kind of atmosphere..."

"If that's what you think, then maybe that's what it is~" Che'nya sad as he started to disappear while walking away. "I guess ya don't need me anymore, so I'm going."

"H-hey!" Deuce shouted, seeing him walking away.

"Fufufu~" Che'nya kept walking while he hummed a tune. His whole body disappeared as they still hear his humming until it was now silent, knowing that he left.

"That was a very weird dude. Ah...! I just sounded like him!" Grim yelled slapping his face with his paw.

"So much cat sounds...." Hibiki muttered as Nova jumped on her shoulder.

"We can't go to classes properly if we keep wearing these collars." Deuce said and then looked at the group. "Let's go ask Clover-senpai about it. Plus..."

"It's super lame to go and apologize, so I'm not doing that!" Ace said, crossing his arms.

"You're all surprisingly stubborn..." Hibiki sighed before looking at the Star Cat on her shoulder. "When Trey-senpai not in the Dorm, can you go look for him?"

"Mew" Nova replied before heading off to find the 3rd year student..

Hibiki looked back to where the Heartslabyul Dorm with a worried look before walking back to school grounds with the others. 'Riddle...I don't know what made you like this. But I'll figure out a way to save you from this!'

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