Disney Twisted Wonderland: The Keyholder Ending (V2)

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Destroying the key, are you connected to someone?

(Are you?)

Begin to count,

The deceitful imitation that hinders your vision, break it down!

[The scene is showing a key being thrown on the ground, broken into pieces along with six other keys. Standing there was Hibiki, staring at the broken keys on the floor with dull shocked eyes and looked up to the person, hidden in darkness, making it hard to show how it was, in front of her. The darken figure was frizzing out a bit, changing their personality that it was now to a personality that looked troubled and begging for help.]

I saw a black swirl coiling around,

And just the smallest hardship had disappeared.

As I couldn't put it into words,

I now wish for salvation!

[A dark black drop of ink fell from the sky before it turned into a dark black wisp. It then started coiling around people, slowly sinking into their hearts changing their forms. They then let out a scream and reached for the sky, begging for help as tears slowly ran down their cheeks before their sad expressions turned into anger.]

Eventually my love will be drawn out from me,

Breaking through and discarding my hard shell.

If the pain I've endured to melt me away,

I'll be looking for love, waiting for the comet that comes around,

Even if the days where we had cried grows hazy and disappears again!

[The scene is now changed to Hibiki running as fast as she could, with tears running down on her face. She desperately tried to reach for the person, but was stopped by the OB Monster that was standing in front of them, blocking Hibiki's path as the door slowly closed while Hibiki was pleading hoping that they would her but they didn't and the door closed and OB Monster changed into inky chains and bind on the door.]

Because it's not yet over...

The flames continue to rage on once more.

[Hibiki is seen gathering the dark swirl as it is transported to the keyhole mark and then is shown being in a place that was showing different memories and reached out her hand to the heart-shaped door.]

Someday, while still ambiguous, in the vision that was lost....

Because the burning blaze engulfs me once more,

I'll be looking for love, chasing after the comet that come around,

While still never letting go of the hand I've held

[Hibiki is then being shown again standing in front of the mirror showing her reflection this time. She placed her hand on the mirror and pressed her forehead against it as her reflection did the same. When she closed her eyes, her reflection rippled, changing her attire and form. Both the reflection and Hibiki's fingers that were touching the mirror soon entwined together.]

Drawing out the the love, breaking through and discarding my hard shell

If the pain I've endured were to melt me away

I'll be looking for love, waiting for the comet the comes around

Even of the days where we had cried grows hazy around and disappeared again!

[The scene was then shown Hibiki holding her two KeyBlades in her hands and the keyhole marking on her forehead with the Koryubis turning into their other forms, the Chuchu Bats in the air, and her friends next to her, fighting the Overbloted people that can be seen now and the OB Monsters, that was attacking them.]

Even if they disappear!

I won't let go!

Even if they disappear!

I won't let go!

[The scene is lastly shown Hibiki on the ground again in a different place, where clock gears were turning around. This time, her eyes were closed, she was either asleep or unconscious being surrounded by nothing by broken pieces of the doors as the inky chains disperse into nothing. Tears were rolling down on her cheeks on one side as inky substance rolled down on the other side as she curled herself up more and clutched on the keyring that was now holding seven keys that was glistening in the light.]

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