The Crimson Tyrant: Chapter 6

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Trey was holding the last thing for the tarts as he was sprinkling the powdered sugar on top. "Alright, the last step is to sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and then..."

"We're done~!!" Ace and Grim cheered.

"Yay!" Hibiki cheered.

"Hooray..." Deuce cheered in a depressing tone.

"Did something happen to this guy when you went shopping?" Ace asked Hibiki as she cleaned her hands with a cloth.

"Let's let him be for a while." Hibiki whispered to him.

"What in the world did I believe in for 16 years...?" Deuce muttered in despair.

"Who knew that making desserts would take this long?" Ace sighed out as he stretched his arms in the air. "I'm so tired..."

"Nice work~ ♪" Cater's voice called out as he came in the kitchen. "Did you finish the tarts? The decoration looks so cute~! It's totally 'grammable! Let me take a pic~" he said happily and took out his cellphone to take pictures of them and that tarts.

"Cater-senpai!?" Hibiki called out in shock and embarrassment, and used the cloth to cover her face.

"That only make you more adorable Hibi-chan!" Cater said as he took more pictures of the blonde who was dodging some of them.

Ace let out a short yelp and glared at the 3rd year student. "Where were you all this time?"

"I came to check on my cute little juniors 'cause you were doing your best~" Cater then notice their tired expression and let out a laugh. "Ahaha, you look dead tired!"

"Of course. We've made over 500 or so tarts for that party and to make up Ace's accident." Hibiki mumbled and stuck out her tongue when Ace glared at her.

"Doing things you're not used to can be tiring. In any case, sweets are the solution for a weary body." Trey said, holding out a tray of marron tarts to them. "Have some of our freshly made marron tart."

"Yay~!" they cheered and each took a tart, Hibiki grabbed two more and handed to Garnet and Cocoa. She knew that they Jellycats don't eat any solid things, they mostly absorb liquids.

"You only came here to help us with the tasting, huh, Cater-senpai?" Ace asked him as he held his tart in his hand.

Cater took a hold on his as he brushed off Ace's question. "Now, now~ Let's all just enjoy it~"

"I can't wait to try these out!" Hibiki said as she place the other two tarts down for Garnet and Cocoa. "Here you go, you two."

"Whoa...! It smells so sweet and good~!" Grim looked at his tart and was amazed of how much of their hard work turned out. "The chestnuts on top are so smooth, and the cream is so fluffy! I'm gonna dig in~!"

Ace took a bite of his tart and his eyes widened in shock. "Oh, damn...!"

"This is so good~!" Cater said when he took a bite of his.

Deuce's eyes widened when he took a bite. "Amazing...It's better than the ones in the store!"

"It's like an explosion of multiple flavors hits my taste buds and tingling the inside of my cheeks at the same time!" Hibiki said with a little blush around her cheeks as Garnet ate all of hers and Cocoa was eating his rapidly.

"It's sweet, but it's not super overpowering." Grim said with a mouth full. "My mouth feels like it's in a field of chestnuts, yanno~!"

"Is that a compliment?" Trey asked nervously.

"When it comes to Grim and food, yes." Hibiki said.

"Oi!" Grim shouted at the female.

"Oh, yeah." Cater turned his attention to his fellow dorm mate. "Do that for them, Trey-kun."

"That?" Trey looked at him slightly confused before realizing what he meant. "Oh, you mean "that"."

Ace looked at them confused. "What's "that"?"

Trey didn't answer his question and looked at all them with a smile. "You guys, what are your favorite foods?"

Ace looked a little confused before answering. "Mine's...cherry pie and hamburger."

"Mine is canned tuna." Grim said as he continued on. "Oh, and cheesy omelet, grilled meat, pudding, and~"

"I like pancakes!" Hibiki said, raising her hand cutting Grim off.

"If I were to choose, I'd probably pick omurice." Deuce calmly answered.

"Mine is grilled rum meat with diablo sauce." Cater said.

"Alright, here we go." Trey took out his magic pen from his shirt pocket and aimed it at them. "Doodle Suit!"

The spell hits the tarts in their hands as they stepped back a bit when it happened. They then looked at the tarts in their hands realizing that they were sparkling a bit before it dissolved. It turns out that Trey wasn't aiming at them, he was aiming at the tarts in their hands.

Deuce look at his tart in confusion. "This is...?"

"Take another bite of the marron tart, if you'd please." Trey said.

"Hm?" Ace looked a bit concerned and took the first bite, when he did his eyes widened in shock after tasting it again. "This is... It's a marron tart, but I can taste cherry pie!"

Hibiki and the other two taken back at this and tasted theirs, making their eyes widen as well. "Mine taste like a pancake!"

"It's canned tuna flavor!" Grim said as he gobbled the rest of his tart "Now it's cheesy omelet! Grilled chicken and then... Pudding!"

"It's interesting, right?!" Cater said as he happily ate his tart. "Don'tcha think this'll fly well if you do this at a tea party with girls~?"

"It's amazing!" Deuce said as he ate his. "Is changing something's flavor your unique magic, Trey-senpai?"

"To be more precise, it's the ability to "overwrite things with what you imagine." I can do it with color and smell, too, not just taste." Trey explained. "It's not a permanent effect so it's sort of like a sketch only. That's why I call this magic "doodle". It's merely sketching."

"That sounds so amazing to have that kind of magic." Hibiki said with a smile.

"If we use your Doodle Suit magic, then having an eat-all-you-can canned tuna isn't just a dream now!" Grim thought and gave him a smile. "It's a lot more amazing compared to that bully Riddle's magic!"

"No... My magic is merely a toy when compared to the Prefect's magic." Trey answered as he looked away. "Our levels are just too different."

Hibiki looked at him with worry in her eyes. "Trey-senpai....."

"...Alright! The night is deep. Let's give the tart to the Prefect tomorrow, okay?" Trey said, clapping his hands together. "Tomorrow is the Unbirthday Party. Don't be late, got it?"

"Hibiki, can we sleep over again~?" Ace asked as he staggered towards her, getting glares from Garnet and Cocoa. "It seems like this bully senpai won't let me back in yet~"

"Eh?" Hibiki looked at him in confusion.

Cater placed a hand over his mouth pretending to look shocked. "Oh, my~ What passive-aggressive wording~"

"Hey, Ace. Don't rely on Hibiki too much." Deuce said, crossing his arms glaring at the red head.

"He's right!" Grim said placing his paws on his hips. "You better pay rent if you're gonna stay with us again! Ten canned tunas!"

"Eh?! Am I supposed to sleep outside then?" Ace said to them with a pout.

"You can stay at the Dorm again, but your still sleeping on the couch." Hibiki said as she cleaned up a little.

"Yes!" Ace cheered.

"What!?" Deuce and Grim said in shock.

"How about we have Deuce stay over in Hibiki's dorm, too, to help keep an eye on Ace." Trey suggested getting looks from the others. "I'll give you permission as the vice head of dorm."

"Really?" Deuce said slightly shock.

"Oh come on!" Ace groaned.

"The more the merrier~" Hibiki said cheerfully.

"I wonder how the others are going to feel when another person comes in....." Grim mumbled.

"Aren't you being too soft on them, Trey-kun!?" Cater lightly scolded the green haired male and looked at Hibiki. "How nice~ Hey, Hibiki-chan, can I stay with you guys, too?"

Trey took a hold of the collar of the shirt and pulled him back. "You're not included."

"Stingy!" whined Cater.

"Then, I'm sorry for leaving our two boys in your care again, Hibiki. See you tomorrow."

"I understand." Hibiki said as she waved it off. "See you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is the Unbirthday Party." Ace said as he tugged on his collar. "This damn collar is definitely coming off! Just you watch Riddle!"

"Umm, Hibiki-chan.." Cater called out, pointing in a different direction, showing Garnet getting close to the other tarts and about to eat them.

"GARNET NO!!" Hibiki shouted, rushing over and grabbed the red reptile just in time.

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