DTW: The Keyholder Ending

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AN: Hello everyone, I thought I tried this out, making my own ending. Every time I listen to this song my thoughts come to time so I was like "Why not" and tried it.

There is a V1 and a V2 cause this is a full song.
If u have any thoughts to this don't be afraid to comment (as long its not hurtful) and enjoy!!!!!

Version 1

1st part - [The scene starts with a key, locking a heart-shaped door. Hibiki is seen on the floor in the center, her hair sprawled out on the floor, clutching on the keyring in her hand. She was being surrounded by seven doors in different colors: red, yellow, white, orange, purple, blue, and green; with a blank look on her face.]

Turning the key, are you shutting yourself off?

(Are you?)

Begin to count, the amount of grief numbering seven,

Constantly 'til you fall asleep!

2nd part - [As she sat up, her hair was covering her eyes as two silhouettes appeared on the walls: One looked to be of a man that then turned into a bird and flew off, the second one looked to be a cat with a pitchfork-shaped tail scurrying off. She then looked at one of the doors, seeing that it was now wrapped in chains that seem to be made out of ink as she desperately reached out towards it.]

I saw a black bird fly,

A small cat scurrying away and vanished.

The heart while still withered screams out,

Of the retribution!

3rd part - [The scene changes, showing Hibiki standing in front of the mirror that wasn't showing her reflection as green flames was seen in the mirror. A hand then appeared, waiting for Hibiki to take hold of. With no hesitation, Hibiki took it and was pulled in the mirror.]

Someday, while still ambiguous, in the vision that was lost....

If the burning blaze engulfs me once more,

I'll be looking for love, waiting for the comet that comes around,

Even if the days where we had cried comes crumbling down on us again!

-Music Break-

Version 2

1st part - [The scene is showing of a key being thrown on the ground, broken into pieces along with six other keys. Standing there was Hibiki, staring at the broken keys on the floor with dull shocked eyes and looked up to the person, hidden in darkness, making it hard to show how it was, in front of her. The darken figure was frizzing out a bit, changing their personality that it was now to a personality that looked troubled and begging for help.]

Destroying the key, are you connected to someone?

(Are you?)

Begin to count,

The deceitful imitation that hinders your vision, break it down!

2nd part - [A dark black drop of ink fell from the sky before it turned into a dark black wisp. It then started coiling around people, slowly sinking into their hearts changing their forms. They then let out a scream and reached for the sky, begging for help as tears slowly ran down their cheeks before their sad expressions turned into anger.]

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