Prologue Chapter 2

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 They made it to the library, where they first met and started looking in the book with maps in it. Looking around with the lights on, it looks so calm if you don't mind some of the floating books. Hibiki looked around amazed at the place, and she almost got dizzy from spinning around to look at the scenery. Crowley on the other hand took some books that have maps in it and started looking. An hour passed as Crowley looked at all the books and Hibiki was sitting on a chair waiting patiently, she also took off the robe that she had on and saw that she was wearing her clothes underneath it, sighing in relief.

"There really isn't anything. Not only the world map, but the name of your home isn't written in any history." Crowley said, finished looking at all of the books he picked out and looked at Hibiki with a skeptical look on his face. "Are you truly from where you say? You aren't lying to me by chance?"

"I'm positive that I'm not lying, Sir." Hibiki answered. "If anything, if I do know the name where I came from I would've told you already."

"Looking at all this, you may have somehow been brought here from another planet..." he said, waving one of the books in his hand. "There's also the possibility you're from another world."

"A-another world?!" Hibiki said in shock, almost falling off her chair before regaining her balance.

"What did you have on you when you came here? Do you have any identification, like a license for a magic car, name on a shoe..." he asked. "You appear to be empty-handed."

"As you can see, I'm empty-handed." she said and showed Crowley her hat and a pair of keys that she pulled out of her pocket from her dress. "Other than the hat and keys I found in it, nothing else seems to help out."

Crowley looked at the keys with a skeptical look on his face, in deep thought of something, before straightening up."This is concerning. I can't just let someone who can't use magic to stay at school. However, as an educator, I can't just toss a penniless teenager out on the street with no form of communication. For I am gracious."

'Why do I have a feeling that he says it so much that doesn't make it very much true in such a way.....' she thought in her head with a little annoyed look on her face.

"Hmmmm... That's right!" he started, gaining her attention. "There is an unused building on campus. It was once used as a dormitory in the past so if you can clean it up, you should at least be able to sleep there."

"Really!" Hibiki perked up.

"For the time being, I shall allow you to stay there! Then I will look for a way for you to return home. My graciousness is limitless! I am a model for all educators." he said with a smile.

'Or to say at least.'

"We had better be on our way. Let's head to the dormitory. It may be a bit old but there is a certain charm to it." he said and led her to where the old dormitory is at.

Ramshackle Dorm

It wasn't long 'till they finally reached their destination. To Hibiki's eyes, it didn't look like a Dorm to her.....more like a haunted house. It was rundown, boarded up on the windows, dead trees with some spider webs on them, a rusty fence with a shovel next to it, dusty steps, and cold wind blowing by that will cause your body to shiver as rain clouds were rolling in, making it more ominous looking. The only light source here were the four small lamps by the steps, making dim lighting.

"This is..." Hibiki was trying to find the right words to say without spitting out the truth about it before choking out. "T-that's too much charm."

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