The Crimson Tyrant: Chapter 9

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A soft quiet groan left the girl's mouth as her eyes slowly opened, letting in a speck of light in her vision. It took a couple of blinks 'til everything was now in focus only to be blocked by a giant reptile's snout near her face, giving her a light nudge to wake her up. Hibiki was now fully awake as she slowly sat up, she looked down to find that she was back in her regular clothing and that the mark on her forehead was also gone. She looked over to where the others were and saw them, checking on Riddle, who was in Trey's arms.

"Riddle.....Riddle.....Riddle.....Riddle!" Trey called out, giving the Dorm Head a few light shakes.

"!!??" Riddle jolted up with a gasp when he heard his name being called, making him sit up.

"He's awake!" Ace said, still holding an irritated look on his face.

"I totally panicked..." Cater said with a sigh. "I don't know what we'd have done if you didn't wake up...!"

	Riddle looked around to see all the damage that he had done

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Riddle looked around to see all the damage that he had done. With the sky now clear from the dark clouds, everything was now in pieces; the plants were destroyed and scattered across the yard, the ground itself was dug up where the rose plants were, the ladders were broken, and the red paint was spilt across the ground, making it look like blood.

He then turned his attention to where Hibiki was, who was still getting nuzzled by the Familiars. Cocoa was nuzzling her neck, the Jellycats were on different sides beside her, Nova was in front of her as her tail was wagging with happiness, and Garnet was nuzzling the side of her face while letting out low purrs.

"What in the world... have I done...?" Riddle said when he looked around.

"What a relief." Crowley said, happily. "You've gained consciousness again."

"You don't have to think about anything right now." Trey ushered as he laid his head on his lap. "Sleep."

"It's 'cause you spoil him like that, he throws tantrums when he gets scolded!" Ace scolds Trey. "What he did was no joke, y'know? I almost died there."

"Indeed, it was no joke." Deuce said.

"Geez, you can't go wild just 'cause you need to release stress, yanno?" Grim plainly said.

"Guys I know that you're injured and all but...." Hibiki said and did a light tap on their guts. "Now's not the time to scold him right now."

"OW!!" All three of them yelped as they held their little injury.

"What the hell was that for Hibiki?!" Ace shouted, glaring at the girl. "How come you're scolding us but not him!?"

"Because he feels bad already after what happened, don't add more on his plate!" Hibiki shouted.

"So what?" Ace said. "After what he did, he should get scolded at this time!"

"... I..." Riddle began to speak, getting the two's attention. "I really wanted to eat that marron tart, too..."

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