Trying to get my mind off of it, I shook my head and went into my room to change clothes.

I took the baggy, ripped, oversized shirt that I've had for years off and threw it into the corner of my room, doing the same with my black running shorts.

As I was walking towards the closet I caught my reflection in the only mirror in my room, and froze in shock after double checking to see if I needed glasses.

My body.

It looked like I've been working out for years.

All the little pieces of belly fat that I had literally yesterday was gone and in its place was toned abs, defined legs, and a curvy body.

What surprised me the most was what I looked like as a whole.

From a good distance I could in detail see every little detail of my body. My eyebrows were curved in an arch and shaped to perfection, my dark brown eyes slightly darker than they used to be, and my body shape looked alluring, but also threatening at the same time.

I felt like I looked like a... Killer.

I started to blink rapidly and shake my head, trying to get the thought out of my head.

'You don't look like a killer, stop being so over-dramatic,' I said to myself in my head as I started to walk to my closet.

I tried to distract my mind by actually trying to choose something nice to where today besides a hoodie, but my head kept going to my new appearance.

What happened yesterday? Did I do a hard core exercise? What about that party? Was there a place where girls were doing a spa there or something?

"Wake up!" I heard my mom yell, making me jump out of my thoughts. "Up, up, up! It's 6:00! Move your butts before I stab them!"

"Six o'clock?" I repeated in disbelief. "How did time go bye so fast?"

In a rush I started to find clothes for today, deciding on some new, ripped jeans and a grey cut off shirt, with a black sports bra under it.

Seemed appropriate for me to wear for some reason today.

And it wasn't like the cut off was bad to the point where you could see inside my shirt. it only went down three or four inches from my armpit.

I looked in the mirror one more time and looked at myself with a sigh. I couldn't remember any of my birthday yesterday. I remember most of my relatives coming, but I can't remember any certain names. I remember the gifts I got- most of it being cash-, but besides that... Nothing.

I glared at the mirror, my mood turning sour. Something was off. Something happened yesterday. This is way to much change to happen in one day.

"Hon-" I heard my dad start to say as he opened my door, making me snap my head in his direction faster then I thought I could without getting whiplash.

"Yes?" I asked, not giving him time to finish his word. By the time he opened the door my whole body was facing in his direction, listening intently.

"You okay in here?" he asked cautiously, making my eyebrows furrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly, not sure of why he was asking me this.

"Your sisters and brother are already downstairs," he started, crossing his arms across his chest. "It's been ten minutes since they came down and you haven't come yet."

"Oh," I said in a distant voice, my eyes starting to wonder around without my control. "I apologize."

"You apolo- you don't have a fever, do you?" he asked sarcastically, making my attention snap back to him.

Hell's Personal Assassin: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now