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𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱
𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙚

"three!" sangwoo screamed and the team took three steps forward, gihun almost falling off the edge. the team began to pull back again and this time, it was working.

many players of the opposing team had fallen down to the floor and eventually, they fell off of the tower, pulling the rope with them causing gihun's team to almost go down too, but the guillotine chopped it in half, making the players that were once dangling, fall to the floor.

the team was now in the elevator going back down. eunji's hands were trembling and when she looked down at them, she saw blood. rope burn.

tears spurted in her eyes as she remembered the yells of the players as they fell to their death, but she made sure to wipe them away before anyone could notice.

the sounds of the man praying were heard, aggravating everyone. "hey, dude!" the girl with the short hair called out. "who you think you're praying to, huh? to god?" she turned her head slightly. "you think you made it out of there because of god, don't you? the reason you're still breathing and thanking that nice god of yours.. is that old man there. and that guy over there who came up with that awesome last-minute trick. you know if there's anybody that you should be thanking, it's them, not god."

the man praying slowly looked up to face the girl. "you sad lost soul. what would you say about everybody who was nailed to the cross for our salvation today?" he said lowly. "they sacrificed themselves for us. we are here, thanks to their blood. i pray to the lord on behalf of all us sinners. i have thanks for their sacrifice. god made a decision to help our team win. that's why we're all here." he stated, looking around slowly at the other players.

"bullshit." she said. "you killed those guys out there." the man continued praying. "oh!" she said and clapped her hands together and began 'praying'.

"be quiet!" she was cut off by saebyeok who had had enough of the two. "me?" the smaller girl asked, looking up at saebyeok. "or you mean that guy?"

"everyone." she answered, not looking at the girl. the lift finally came to a stop and the doors opened. like usual, saebyeok held eunji's hand as they walked out.

"what's your guys' names, huh?" the girl asked, trailing behind them. "why do you care about that?" saebyeok asked.

"so i can use your guys' name, duh!" she stated the obvious. "it doesn't matter." saebyeok blankly replied. "so secretive.."

"listen okay.." sae began. "just leave us alone."

"well, you're the one who asked to join you guys." eunji slowly turned her head around and sent a smile to the girl. "eunji." she whispered, even though saebyeok could hear, and when she did, she tightened her grip on eunji's hand.

"jiyeong." the girl returned the smile and eunji turned her head back around and continued walking quietly.

the doors to the massive dorm were opened and gihun's team walked in. they saw 101 and his group in the corner chatting away like nothing had happened.

minyeo was busy telling the group how she felt when she was doing the tug of war, while eunji slowly munched down on her corn.

"from that movie! what's it called? the guy who dodged bullets like this." she acted out the scene. "matrix!" ali called out, knowing what she was on about.

minyeo put her hands on her hips, "hey, when you got to korea, is all you did watch movies?" she asked and ali stayed quiet. "and our man..." she began, looking away from ali and at sangwoo. " 'everybody, three steps up when i signal!' oh, my god, i can't believe how cool that was!" she fangirled and eunji rolled her eyes.

"earlier, you were the one who said no." ali pointed out. "yeah?" minyeo turned her head to the side. "you cried and said, 'but that's the edge. there's no way i'll go.'" he imitated her crying and eunji couldn't help but break out and laugh. "like that."

"hey, you! you got a visa? i bet you don't. you're an illegal alien. hey, boys, how about it? why keep a strange foreigner when you could just ditch him?" she fired back, waving around her corn.

"just shut up and sit down." eunji said and minyeo glared at her. "what was that?" she asked with wide eyes and eunji looked down at her lap, feeling defeated.

"who's our captain here, guys?" she asked and eunji didn't bother listening to the rest of her conversation. all she did was focus on eating her corn and drinking her water.

"players, your bedtime will begin in 30 minutes." the pa system chimed as the clock began to go down. "please return to your assigned beds and prepare for lights out."

"another fight could break out like last night. we should make a plan." sangwoo suggested. "what can we do, huh?" a man asked. "we've got four girls and an old man with us. our team is the weakest one in here. we should choose a weak team and after them first."

jiyeong scoffed. "for a resident priest, you sure are bloodthirsty."

"i mean, everybody's hands are bloody. we're all sinners, but we're still here, aren't we? attacking is our best option. so i think that's our plan."

"during the fight last night, the man in the bed in front of me got killed." saebyeok started. "and the person he thought was on his side broke his neck. do you trust me then? i don't trust one person here but eunji."

eunji's cheeks turned a dark red and her stomach felt as if there were butterfly's flying around inside.

"all rights i think let's still do something." gihun said, standing up. "before the lights go out, let's create a barricade. it might be good to make sure that we have cover."

everyone agreed and started collecting parts of broken beds and putting it around where they would be sleeping ; eunji, saebyeok and jiyeong helping to make makeshift beds for their group.

the sound of player 101's voice was heard as he strolled over to them, calling for gihun. eunji didn't really pay any attention to their conversation because all she could think about was if a fight would break out tonight or not.

once they'd finished, they were now sat huddled together with one minute before lights out.

"they'll shut off the lights soon." gihun exclaimed. "they might not all come right away, so we better swap out who's gonna keep watch, just to be safe, i think."

"two of us should keep watch." sangwoo stated and gihun agreed. "a pair can keep each other awake." he continued. "just one person might go leave and betray our team."

"i can... be first watch then." 001 volunteered. "you don't really sleep a lot when you're old."

"excuse me, but are just supposed to trust an old man like you to not sleep on the job all night?" a guy interrogated.

"let me go first." sangwoo nodded. ali soon raised his hand, also saying he'd keep watch with sangwoo.

the lights soon went out and eunji was laying on her mattress next to saebyeok's mattress, worried that 101 and his crew would attack.


another chapter should be out tonight again and i actually can't wait cause something big i guess you could say is gonna happen!

have a good day/night <3

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