Chapter 87

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"Thank you", I say as I climb out of Shane's car. 

"Hey, don't stress yourself. I will talk to Bob and you don't need to come to work for few days", Shane says.

"Thank you very much. You're a really good friend Shane", I say softly and try to fake a smile. I turn around and walk to my apartment, as Shane drives away.

I ring the doorbell twice as tears pour down my cheeks. Aby slowly opens the door rubbing her eyes. She is in her pajamas and when her eyes meets mine, she looks at me with a horrified expression. 

"Jazz! Are you ok!", She pulls me inside and closes the door behind.

"Jazz!", Aby turns me to face her.

"What happened!?", She shakes my shoulders.

"Well.. I got what I deserve", I say and cry. 

"You were right Aby.. I fucked up", I cry harder and cover my face with my hands.

"Stop crying Jazz!", she removes my hand and I tell her all that happened tonight. Anger fumes inside her when I tell her about Derek's truth.

"I'm so sorry Jazz..", Aby wraps her hand around me and cries. "Please don't feel alone and do something stupid like what Iris did", she adds.

"No I will never do something like that Aby. Trust me", I say and sigh.

"What next?", Aby asks.

I didn't think about it until now. What next? I know I should move on from Derek after what happened tonight, but how can I forget him? He has conquered my soul and took a part of my heart with him. How can I forget my entire year with him in NYU? Probably the best way to detach yourself from love, is to go far away from it. I need to leave and go back to Texas and start a new life in a new college. However, I've got only five more months to go for the semester to end. After finishing my semester exams, I will apply for a transfer to Texas. That's it. No more Derek. No more pain.

"I'm going to move on", I say and look at Aby. She smiles at me and nods. 

"I want to get drunk Aby. I don't want to feel pain. Please", I ask Aby for her permission. I am glad that Aby has this special interest of stocking variety of alcoholic drinks. She has them stored in the kitchen cabinet.

"Ok", she lets out a sigh. 

"Be careful and don't drink more or else you will throw up and become sick tomorrow. Ok?", Aby says and walks away from me. I know she is trying to give me my space, but I don't want her to be worried for me anymore. Aby has her own life and I want her to be happy always.

The cold bottle of vodka feels good against my warm skin. I quickly open the cap and without any second thought, I place the bottle on my lips and begin to gulp down the liquid. The familiar burn in my throat returns and I finish the entire bottle within seconds. I reach out for the next bottle of wine and finish it too. Vodka and wine isn't a good combination. I can feel my stomach stir since I haven't eaten anything for hours. I finish another bottle of Vodka and I can feel my body swaying back and forth. I grip the kitchen counter to hold myself up from falling down. My vision is blur and my throat burns with a weird taste. Immediately, I rush to the bathroom and sit down near the closet and throw up. Tears mix with the alcohol and my head spins. I have no more energy left in my body and I can feel it getting heavier as time passes by. My blue gown is now covered in vomit and I cringe at my condition. Look what has he done to me.

I wash my mouth and stand up from the floor. I flush the closet and step out of the bathroom. My stomach growls and my head aches. I have an hangover already and I am happy that I don't need to go to work tomorrow. I come to my room and open my drawer to pull out Romeo and Juliet. The letters dance in front of my eyes and I cant read a word of it. I can feel my stomach burn and my visions going blank. After few seconds, the book from my hand falls down onto the floor and I pass out.



Hey everyone! Ik this was a small chapter, but I couldn't help. So as promised, the last chapter will be from Derek's POV. I cant wait for u all to read the next chapter. Stay tuned :)

Thank you for reading and supporting my work!! I love you guys...!!!

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