Chapter 55

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"Everybody was beyond shocked and I stood right in front of Iris's body. I didn't know how to react Jazz... Josh kept on calming me down, but it took me months to come out of that event. It is the deadliest incident of NYU and even today everybody fears if something like that will happen again", Aby says and wipes her tears.

"What about Derek?", My voice shakes and I try hard not to cry.

"You know... when Iris fell down, Derek just had a smirk on his face. He neither cried nor came for the funeral. That's why when ever he is with a girl, everybody fears for her life. That's the reason they're always staring at you or filming you Jazz", Aby says and I look down. All my confusion clouds are beginning to dissolve. I can see clearly now. Each and everything happening around me is for a reason. Venice's warning, Aby's worry.. everything just seems so right at the situation.

"The biggest mistake in Iris's life was loving Derek. Nobody loves him. He doesn't deserve love. We call him the College's Romeo, not because he knows to love, just because loving him can get you no where, just as how Juliet died because she loved Romeo, any girl who loves Derek will only get ruined.", Aby says and stands up from the bed. 

Tears soak my cheeks and I try hard not to burst out crying.

"Jazz.. when you first told me that you love Derek, I just felt shattered. I don't want you to be the next Iris ", Aby says and looks at me. I stand up and give her a tight hug. I don't know why, but I feel a strange kind of pain in my chest. 

"Are you ok Jazz..?", Aby asks softly. I pull away and nod. "Aby, was it only Iris till now or...", I ask, not wanting to hear the answer. 

"Jasmine and Venice. Everyone keeps falling for Derek, but when they tell him about their feelings, he just breaks their heart and thank God, Jasmine and Venice were not like Iris. Jasmine left the town, but Venice chose to stay", Aby says and my heart skips a beat. I knew Venice loved Derek and he rejected her, but how could the girls fall for him after seeing Iris suicide right in front of them? How did I fall for him!? Venice always worries for me because she thinks I am Derek's next conquest. 

"The entire campus knows about it. Just promise me you will not do any such stupid things. Even if you feel betrayed, just remember I am always there for you Jazz...", Aby cries and my hands reach up to wipe her tears.

"I just don't want you to be his next prey. That's it", Aby says and hugs me. I rub her back and try to comfort her. 

I need some time for myself, to think clear and to act correct. Am I just another conquest of Derek? Is he going to reject me when I tell him about my feelings? If he doesn't love me, then why is he always around me? Probably he did the same thing with the other girls too. They must have thought he really loves them, but finally he goes on to destroy their feelings. But, I won't let that happen to me. I need to talk to him about this and I need to know if he has any genuine feelings for me. If not, I will never see Derek again in my life.

Love is a strong emotion. It can either build you or destroy you completely. It can either fix you or ruin you. Love can make you do things that you probably didn't know you could do. I don't want it to ruin me, I want it to cherish and make me strong.

So, quickly I grab my car keys and Aby looks at me with confusion. "Where are you going?", Aby asks. 

"To Derek's house", I say immediately and rush out of the apartment. Aby tries to speak, but before she could, I close the door behind me. I will not have any answers to Aby's questions, until I meet Derek. Its a do or die situation for me and I am not bothered about the consequences. 

I head straight to Derek's apartment. The thought of seeing his drunk friends in the apartment makes me whine, but talking to Derek is more important right now. 

When I reach his door, I restless press the bell. There is no noise from inside and I hope he is inside. I don't want my visit to go wasted. I press the bell again and knock few times. No answer.

"Damn it!", I yell. I feel heavy. I need air to breathe. I walk my way back and get into my car. I rest my head against the steering wheel and sigh. Suddenly, my phone buzzes. I reach out for my phone from the pocket and Aby's name flashes on the screen.

"Hello", I immediately answer.

"Jazz! Did you find Derek?", She asks over the phone.

"No. He isn't in his apartment", I say and sigh.

"Jimmy is hosting a party at his house. He has invited me over, well Derek might be there at the party. So come back Jazz", Aby says.

"Come back? Aby are you serious? Jimmy is hosting a party! and its a great chance to meet both Derek and.. Josh. However, you're invited Aby", I say. I know the mentioning of Josh will surely trigger Aby's emotions. She fucking loves Josh and I need to confront him as well. 

"Pick me up in five minutes", Aby says quickly and hangs up the call. I let out a small chuckle. I just knew it, Aby would never refuse an offer like this.

I head back to my apartment and Aby is already waiting for me in the parking slot. She quickly climbs in the car and I take a look at her outfit. She is dressed in a black mini skirt which barely reaches up to her thighs. Half of her breasts are spilling out of her red top and a thick layer of red lipstick highlights her face. Her hair is perfectly curled and the black eyeliner makes her eyes look even more bigger.

"Don't you think you're too dressed for a normal party?", I ask.

"Josh needs to get jealous you see...", Aby says and bats her eyelashes. I roll my eyes and pull onto the highway.

I cant blame Aby for overdressing. She always carries herself very nicely and I need to learn it for her.

After half an hour, we reach Jimmy's house. I gulp, when I realize how huge it is.

Not your RomeoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora