Chapter 33

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I finally finish packing my bag for tomorrow. I even booked my flight tickets and informed Jen about the same. Now the most important thing to do is inform Isha about my absence this weekend. I would have been very happy if I attended the family dinner at Kay's house, but they aren't my family. They are Derek's. I don't want their happiness to get ruined like the last time. After all for Derek, I am some bitch who messed up with him at the beginning of the college.

* Hey Isha, I am so sorry to inform you that I will be flying home this weekend. Probably I will come over for dinner next time *, I send the message.

After few minutes, Isha responds.

* Its totally fine. I informed mom and she wasn't that unhappy about it. Any way, have a good weekend Jazz *

Reading Isha's message, I sigh in relief. I will definitely compensate for this and will make sure Derek doesn't come with me to Manhattan. He doesn't know to value his family, so there is no need for him to be there.

I order a cheese pizza and quickly finish it. Its 3 on the clock and I impatiently wait for Aby and Josh to return. I clean up the apartment, wash the dishes and do a bit of laundry. I also make sure to change the bedsheets and wash the curtains. By the time, I finish with my college projects and cleaning, its 5 on the clock. Where is Aby and Josh? I secretly pray that they don't have any plans for the evening or else I will be alone for the entire night.

Suddenly my thoughts are scattered with a loud knock on the door. Within seconds, the knock turns into loud bang on the door. Whoever it is on the other side of the door is restless and impatient and I can just feel his anger. It is not Aby and Josh for sure.

I walk towards the door and try to look into the peep hole. Its blur and the person is moving back and forth. Again there is a loud bang on the door and I wonder if the person's hand is bleeding by his actions. Without wanting a scene, I quickly open the door.

My anger and pain returns when I see Derek standing in front of me. Of course it has to be him!

"What do you want?", I ask annoyingly. I don't even want to see his face.

Without telling anything, Derek pushes my shoulder and enters into the apartment. I close the door and look at him. Derek is studying the surroundings very carefully and I feel like throwing a glass vase at his face.

"I asked what do you want!?", this time I yell. I like the small role reversal between us. Normally I am the one who is quiet, but not today.

"I came to see you. Why didn't you come to the college today?", Derek asks me. Why should he show so much concern to an ordinary girl like me? If he hates me, why does he even notice me?

"Is everything ok Jazz?", Derek asks and I let out a light chuckle. Who is he kidding? He very well knows what he has done. This happens each and every time. He tells me some kind of shit and then I cry and then he comes running to my apartment, we have sex and everything is back to normal. But this time, it will not be the case.

"Derek are you joking around with me? because seriously I don't know how to react. Do you even remember the things you told me yesterday in the car? After all that, how can you even stand in front of me?, I ask him calmly. I don't want to waste my time and energy yelling at him.

"I blurted out something that came into my mouth. I just wanted you to stop talking about it. That's it. I didn't mean anything", Derek says calmly.

Calm? Derek? This is that dangerous calmness of the sea shore before a massive flood. I knew Derek would tell me that he didn't mean a single word he said. I am prepared more than he can ever think.

"Please talk to me Jazz.. you know how tough it is for me to stay away from you", Derek says looking into my eyes. That's it. Now my anger is slightly dissolving and I just hate it. How does Derek always know how to calm me down? His words have an intended effect on me and now everything is back to normal again.

"I don't care", I say and look away. I don't want him to take everything this lightly. He always doesn't get to insult me and then apologize for it. Until when will this work?

Derek takes a step closer to me and lifts my chin up to look at him. His blue eyes pour into mine and what do I see.. regret?

"I am so sorry Jazz. I will do anything to make it up to you", Derek says and I close my eyes breaking his stare. I don't know what to do next. Should I start yelling at him or simply forgive him? But all these thoughts stops only at only one question. Until when?

"I have no time for this Derek", I say and push his shoulders slightly, making him step back. I am completely confused at the situation. But I don't care.

"Please Jazz..."

"No!", I yell on his face and Derek clenches his fists at his sides. Good. Now I get to see the real Derek Jeremy. Come on.. break me more, I am ready.

"Your such a bitch", Derek tells softly and walk backwards to the door. He reaches for the door handle and exits the apartment. I am at a loss of words. Derek was hurt and I could just feel it. But he hurted me more and he deserves to be sad.

I spend my evening thinking about Derek. Meanwhile I receive a message from Aby saying that she is on a vacation with Josh and will return only after the weekend. Wow! Now I am completely alone!

I feel like I have locked myself in this apartment. I need to get out and breathe some fresh air. Derek is not going to come back anyway and I really don't care.

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