Chapter 26

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I come back to the value education room, after Kenneth exits. I need to take my bag and books. Venice looks at me and tries to smile. I turn around and notice everybody looking at me pathetically. It feels like as if I am going on the road of death and everybody is sad and worried about me.

"A girl like you doesn't deserve him Jessie", Venice says, standing up from her seat. I hate the way she speaks about Derek. I remember Derek telling me that Venice loved him and he didn't love her back, which makes me a little jealous. Venice loved Derek, and I cant tolerate her hate for Derek anymore.

"Venice I know what is going on between you and Derek. You loved him and he didn't love you back. That's it!", I yell and Venice takes a deep breath before speaking. "He made me to love him!", Venice yells back at me. How can someone make you to love them? What is Venice talking about!?

"I know you do love him Jessie, but let me make one thing clear... your just a freshmen and you know nothing about NYU and Derek. So just be careful with each and every move of yours", Venice says softly and walks past me. Everyone does this to me, talk something about Derek and before I ask or say something, they walk away from me. But I need answers.

I exit the room and look around for Derek. If no one is willing to give me answers, I better ask Derek myself. I walk, searching around for Derek, but he is no where to be found. My next class is physics and I am running out of time, but this is more important to me.

As I turn around the corner of the hallway, I see Venice and Derek in an intimate conversation. Venice joins her hand each time and Derek keeps yelling at her. I feel sorry for her. It is not her fault that she loved Derek, but you cant force somebody to love you back. She is so broken and I wish she gets a good guy to fix her back. After many quarrels, Derek walks away from Venice. I regret speaking to Venice like that before. I was only thinking about Derek and didn't care to understand her worry for me.

Venice catches me before I could turn around. She comes near me and I pull her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry for speaking like that Venice. Please forgive me", I say and look into her eyes. She gives me a warm smile and shakes her head.

"I knew you weren't like other girls. Your strong, and you do know what is right and wrong", Venice says and I smile at her. We head to the canteen and grab our coffees. Venice and I are back to normal. We speak about Kenneth's class today and I tell her about Jen visiting me. After finishing our coffees, we head to our respective classes. I am happy that I could fix things with Venice. She is a great girl and I don't want to lose her because of my love for Derek.

As I walk to my biology class, I can feel somebody following me. So I turn around to see a tall, lean boy with black hair standing in front of me. He has a nose ring and his jeans are torn at places. His smile holds a small smirk and I cringe at his attire. I have never seen him before in any of my classes, but I can tell he is a senior.

"What do you want?", I ask politely. I have a gut feeling that this guy is in Derek's class, but I choose to ignore it.

"Can I take you out today?", the guy asks me with so much confidence. He is chewing a gum and stretches out his hand at me. I am confused at his proposal. He wants to take me to a date? How can I even go with him when I have Derek? How will Derek react to it?

"Yes?", the guy asks, shattering my thoughts. I don't even know him, how could I possibly go on a date with someone I barely know? Moreover I love Derek, even if I am unaware of his feelings, I know I will never cheat on him.

"I am so sorry, I....", by the time I complete my words, Derek slams the guy's head against the wall from behind. I take a step back and Derek pulls the guy up by his collar. The entire people in the hallway is looking at the scenario and I cant believe that all these things are happening right in front of me. Derek punches the guy's face really hard and it starts bleeding. I am horrified by the fight and hope that Derek doesn't end up in trouble. The guy blows back a punch on Derek's face and he falls down. My heart aches when I see Derek's lips bleeding and I try to reach out for him, but the guy pushes Derek onto the floor and sits on top of him. "How dare you ask her out!?", Derek yells and the guy punches him harder. I am helpless and I don't know what to do. If I don't stop the fight now, either of them will end up killing the other. Derek pushes the guy off him and stands up. I look at the guy struggling to get up from the floor and quickly grab hold of Derek's arm. Derek is much stronger than I thought, so I tighten my grip on his arm, slightly pulling him back.

"Next time I see you around her.... I am gonna kill you!", Derek warns the guy. He looks at me before jerking away his hand and walking away from the crowd. I decide to follow Derek.

Why did he do that? Was he jealous? I catch up with Derek and he stops. "Why did you do that?", I ask, panting. He sighs and narrows his eyes at me.

"You do need answer for everything right? Would you have gone with him if I didn't interrupt?", Derek asks and I am at a loss of words. How can I tell him that I love him and I would never imagine somebody to be in his place.

"No", I say and walk away. I don't want to fight with Derek. I am sure he will push me further and I will have no answer to his questions. I am glad when he doesn't stop me and I quickly head to my next class.

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