Chapter 32

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"Get out", I say and Derek looks at me.

"What?", He asks with a confused look on his face. I am done with his shit. He is in my car and I have complete rights to kick him out.

"Get out!", I yell and Derek stops the car right in the middle of the highway. I immediately open the door and climb out of the car. I ignore all the honking and stares from the vehicles behind and quickly climb into the driver's seat and Derek moves aside. I drive the car past Derek, leaving him alone in the highway. 

Tears roll down my cheeks when I drive off the highway. The pain I feel right now is beyond words. I feel very far from my family. I gave Derek so much importance in my life. He was my priority each and every time. I cancelled my weekend plans with my family, so that he could be happy with his family.

Finally I pull up in front of the apartment and dig into Aby's handbag. I am relieved when I find her phone. I immediately call up Josh. I don't know if I am doing the right thing, but I am too exhausted and broken to thing about anything else now. 

After five rings, Josh picks up the call. I tell him to come to our apartment and he quickly agrees. I make sure I don't sound nervous or worried over the phone. I don't want Josh to misunderstand the entire situation. I am very happy that Josh agreed to come by, if it was Derek, he would have hanged up the call before I could even speak up.

Derek is not my Romeo nor I am his Juliet. He can never be the kind of boyfriend that I have always dreamt of. 

After twenty minutes, Josh pulls up in front of the apartment. He climbs out of his car and comes near me. 

"What is wrong Jazz?", Josh asks, concern covering his face.

I tell him about the entire situation and Josh's eyes fills with tears. He quickly opens the back door and carries Aby up to the apartment. He makes Aby sleep comfortably in her room and closes the door behind.

Josh and I come to the living room and sit on the couch. 

"Neil is just her friend Josh and I think she didn't know his intentions", I say and Josh nods. I love the way he understands Aby so well. Now there is no misunderstanding between Josh and Aby. He knows she loves him and that she will never want to break up with him.

"I am staying here tonight. I can sleep on the couch", Josh says and I smile at him. I tell him goodnight and walk to my room. I adore Aby and Josh's relationship even more now. They make me realize that no matter what happens, love will always find its way back to you, if it is meant for you. Josh is the perfect boyfriend that anyone can imagine. He is just too good.

I think about today's events and cry even harder. I need to leave for Texas this weekend and I don't want Derek to ruin the happiness of his loving family. Its better I stay far away from him. If my love for Derek is meant to be, it will last or else maybe he is not the one I was looking for.


The next morning, I decide to stay at home. Tomorrow is Friday and I am looking forward to fly to Texas. I need a break from all the chaos going on in my life.

When I come to the living room, I can see Aby and Josh hugging each other. Josh kisses Aby's forehead and she leans against his chest. 

"I told you he was not a good guy", Josh says softly and Aby slightly pushes his chest. I am very happy for them. In a relationship your partner knows what is better for you and this I've learnt from Aby and Josh. I am relieved at my decision of calling Josh yesterday, at least now everything is sorted out.

Josh notices me and Aby pulls away to look at me. 

"We have college today", Josh says looking at my attire. It is already 8 in the morning and I have no plans for going to college today.

"I am on a leave", I say and throw my hands up in the air. Aby and Josh looks at each other and then at me. 

"Hey.. what's wrong?", Aby says walking towards me. She pulls me into a hug. "Thank you for everything Jazz and I am so sorry for what Neil tried to do with you", Aby whispers in my ear.

"Its ok though", I say and she pulls away. 

"Ok Jazz.. have a great day and hope you don't get bored", Aby says grabbing the apartment keys from the drawer. I look at her and give an assuring smile. 

"I will have to prepare for my travel tomorrow to Texas. That will keep me engaged", I say and Aby frown funnily.

"I will miss you", She says in a childish tone and I laugh.

"Take care", Josh says and closes the door.

I hate being alone. But it is better than seeing Derek. I know my day will not go well today and I will definitely end up crying again. I am still sober and all the credit goes to Derek. I still try to convince myself that I don't love him, in fact I hate him, but you have no control over your heart. 

Is love more important than self respect? Absolutely not. Derek doesn't know how to behave and I cant tolerate such indecent behavior from anyone. Its true that I love him, but I cant lose my self respect each and every time for Derek. 

After hours of thinking, I look at the clock. Its 12 in the afternoon and I am still so clumsy. I seriously don't feel like doing anything, but sleep. I eat a bowl of cereals and grab my toiletries to head for the shower. The cold water works wonders and I feel my tense muscles loosen. The more I think about Derek, the more I cry. 

I turn on the television and browse channels. Nothing seems to interest me and I decide to pack my things for tomorrow. After tossing several items into my big suitcase, I am tired and hungry again. Probably I should go out and eat something, but you never know when and where will Derek appear in front of you. Bad idea.

Not your RomeoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin