Chapter 63

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"Yeah! So called Bob... is my dad", Shane says and laughs. I try to register this information in my mind. Shane is Bobby's son? Why is he here for the training?

"Oh..", I sigh and Shane shakes his head laughing.

"I mean why are you here? like you can work in your company without any training or qualifications...", I say softly.

"That doesn't happen here. Everybody is same here, there are no relations in business. Right?", he says and winks. I already like this guy. His vibe and energy is so positive.

"Me and my brother never wanted to follow our dad in his business, but I've no option now", he says.

"Why is that?", I take a seat next to him.

"Because I am planning to transfer my college to Rio De Janeiro and I need to earn enough money to get my shit out of here. However I can easily take my brother's place in his college but dad wants him to come back instead and for me to get there, I need to get this job", Shane proudly says and I laugh. He is definitely an interesting personality.

"So you're brother is not in New York then?", I ask curiously.

"No.. he is in Rio De Janeiro and probably he will be transferring to the NYU in the middle or end of this semester", Shane says and I listen to him carefully like a small child.

A light knock brings us out of the conversation. We both turn around to find Bobby standing and leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Please excuse my boy. He talks a lot", Bobby says and rolls his eyes. I try not to smile and look at Shane.

"Dad..!!", Shane funnily warns Bob.

It feels like three friends are talking to each other. Bobby doesn't behave like a boss from any angle and Shane is more like his friend than a son. I like to be in such happy environment. It helps me forget about my pains and my problems. It helps me forget about Derek.

"Okay sorry! Shane and Jessie, we are organizing an event for showcasing our designs and themes to the clients. The event is after three days, so I need you both to look into the preparations required for the event", Bob instructs us.

"Like organize the event?", Shane whines.

"Yes", Bobby says.

"And the event is happening in our office. So best of luck my dumplings!", Bob squeaks and walks out quickly.

"Dumplings?", I look at Shane and we both burst into laughter.


The rest of the afternoon passes by in the preparations of the event. The entire office is very excited about the event. Shane takes up the job of inviting the clients and I take up the job of decorating the rooms for display. Bob guides us in between and makes sure we finish our coffees. I laugh at him and the entire time Shane jokes about his family and his childhood. I am really enjoying my time with Shane and I am glad that we're friends now.

"How is NYU then? To be honest, I've heard weird stories about it", Shane shrugs and looks at me. I keep my  papers on the table and fake a smile.

"Its good", I say.

"You're seeing someone?", He asks me surprisingly. Shane does talk a lot.

"No", I say and look away.

"Oh", I am glad when Shane doesn't push me further.

We are standing near the reception and I see Veronica walking towards us.

"Tiring day!", She sighs and rests her binder on the table.

"Does this event happen every year?", Shane asks.

"Once in two months", Veronica says and smiles. Shane and I look at each other in surprise.


The day finally comes to an end and I am very tired and exhausted. I've worked way too much today and I hope I get this job.

"See you tomorrow!", Shane gives me a warm hug and I smile at him, before walking to my car.

The music calms my mind and I finally come back to my apartment. I wish Aby was here. I could tell her about my new routine, especially about Shane and Bobby. Bob is so famous and BB is a very big company, but look at Bob! he is such a sweetheart. He is your boss Jazz...., my subconscious reminds me and I push her aside.

Suddenly my phone buzzes and my heart drops when Derek's name flashes across the screen. Whenever I see a small ray of hope and happiness, the devil himself comes to stand in front of me.

I answer the call and take a deep breathe before speaking, "Hello"

"Where the fuck are you!? Why won't you answer my calls!?", Derek yells over the phone.

"If you want to yell, I can hang up the call", I say as calmly as possible.

There is silence over the phone and I know he is trying to control his anger.

"I came to your apartment, but weren't there. Where have you been Jazz..?", His voice is soft, full of care and affection.

"I need to talk to you Jazz.. please come to my apartment tomorrow morning... Please", he begs.

"Ok", I simply say and hang up the call. If I listen anymore to Derek, I am sure I will forget everything and run back to him.

After hours of thinking, I make my dinner and gather my binder for tomorrow. I can meet Derek on my way to work and I hope I don't become late.

* Hey Jazz.... I miss you :(  *, Aby texts me.

* I miss you more *, I reply.

I text Aby about my new work, Bobby Build, Mr. Royston, Veronica and Shane. I even tell her about Derek. Aby is as shocked as I was, when I had realized that Derek cancelled his trip for me.

Finally after hours of chatting with each other, Aby and I wish goodnight to each other and end our conversation.

I read few pages of Romeo and Juliet and unknowingly drift off to sleep.

I know the chapters are a bit lousy and slow. But the story has to proceed right? The next chapters will have more of Derek and Jessie!! I can't wait for you all to read it... Do tell your opinions, vote and comment!!!
Xoxo... :)

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