Chapter 25

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"You can take your seat Miss Damon," Professor Kenneth says and I quickly take my usual seat. I am happy that he didn't want me to get more embarrassed. Venice gives me a quick smile and I pull out my book. I glance at the seat next to my left and it is not empty this time. I immediately turn left and my mouth slightly opens, when I see Derek sitting next to me. In all the efforts of escaping the unwanted attention, I didn't even notice Derek sitting next to me. I am happy as well as confused like always. I just don't understand Derek. Venice is sitting right next to me and I am sure she cant keep a straight face when Derek is around. 

"Today let's discuss about Jay and Daisy's love. Did Daisy ever love Jay truly?", Kenneth asks us. I am very excited about the topic and moreover the boy who I love so much is sitting right next to me. What a way to start my day!

"I am out of this class!", Derek stands up from his seat. I don't understand why he always puts up a drama in value education class. If he doesn't like it, he shouldn't be here. I know I love Derek, but that doesn't mean I will let him to do all the wrong things, that he shouldn't be doing.

"Derek Jeremy what is this indecent behavior of yours!? You come to my class and then you exit when the topic doesn't go well with you! If this is going to be the case, you better quit value education!", Kenneth yells at Derek. I have never seen Kenneth this angry before. But I cant argue, Kenneth is right. The thought of Derek quitting value education makes me unhappy. Why is always against love? He is always running from everybody's love. I want him to feel it, feel every inch of love.

Derek clenches his fists at his sides, and I immediately stand up from my seat. Derek looks at me and holds my hand. I am surprised by his gesture, but I am happy that he is not angry at my move. I didn't want him to feel alone, so I decided to join him if he's leaving the class. Surprising everyone, Derek pulls me with him and exits the room, without any further conversation. I am surprised as well. Derek slams the door behind us and I flinch. I just don't want to place myself in Kenneth's place. He must be feeling terrible and I just cant help it.

As we reach the hallway, Derek lets go off my hand. I whine at the lose of contact, but I want to take things slow. 

"What do you want?", Derek asks. I am confused at his question. He was the one who pulled me with him outside the class. 

"What do you mean?", I ask him calmly. The other students walking in the hallway is staring at us. Probably just because the Derek Jeremy is talking to a not so popular girl of the college. I choose to ignore the stares. 

"Why did you stand up for me? I thought you liked value education", Derek says. How can I tell him that I love him. How can I assure him that I will always stand by his side, no matter how hard the situation is because I fucking love him! 

"I really care for you Derek", I say. Honestly I do care for him a lot. Derek takes a step closer to me. His hand touches mine slightly and his blue eyes pours into mine. I ignore the fact that we are standing right in the middle of the hallway and people are staring at us with their mouths open. Derek uses his another hand to slightly move my hair behind my ear. I close my eyes at his touch and can feel my body burn. I am so used to the burn that I crave more and more for it. Derek leans in and kisses the corner of my mouth. He wraps his arms around my waist and I hold his arms. I part my lips and his tongue slides into my mouth. He is so desperate and so hard against me. I gasp into his mouth and completely lets him to take the control. He slides his tongue across my bottom lip and I wince. I tighten my grip on his arm and he pulls me even more closer to him. "Derek...", I whisper into the kiss and Derek groans. My hands travel to his hair and I tug at it. His hair is loosely hanging at its sides and I easily move my hand up and grab hold his hair. I am slightly embarrassed by the fact that we are in the hallway and people are even filming us. But I ignore every other thing and focus only on Derek.

"Jazz!", a female voice breaks our kiss and I pull back. Derek and I turn to look and my heart drops when I see Aby standing with her hands crossed over her chest. Derek loosens his grip and steps back. I take a step towards Aby, but she walks away as fast as possible and Derek rolls his eyes. The people in the hallway is as clueless as I am. I quickly follow Aby. I need to talk to her. I need to explain her about all that happened. 

Aby heads to the canteen and I try to reach her as fast as possible. The moment Aby pulls the chair, I get a hold of it. "I need to explain", I tell and Aby looks at me. Her eyes are filled with tears and she quickly pulls me into a hug. I have never seen Aby emotional, she is always full of life and sweet, but today I can see that she is hurt. 

"I don't want to lose you Jazz.. I don't know what the hell is going on between you and Derek. I told you that he will not return your love, then why do you keep throwing yourself at him?", Aby cries. I feel terrible for her, but I need to tell the truth. 

"Because I love him Aby", I say and her mouth drops. Aby is shocked. I should have told her before about everything. 

"Yes Aby I do love him. I know its strange and I know Derek is not going to return my love. But its not never. He does care for me and I know he does loves me, but he doesn't realize it", I say and Aby shakes her head. 

"Oh my naïve girl, wake up from your dream! You know nothing and Derek doesn't love anyone. Before its too late, stay away from him Jazz", Aby tells and leaves, before I can stop her. Her words play behind my mind. I am sure there is something going around me, but I just seem to unnotice it. 

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