Chapter 38

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Its Monday morning and I am glad that I reach the campus on time. I grab my coffee and head to my first class. It feels absolutely refreshing to be back and my eyes keeps searching for Derek. I haven't found Aby and Josh yet. Maybe after biology class, I will catch up with them.

As I walk in the hallway, all eyes are staring at me. Sneaky girls are making weird noises and are even clicking my pictures. What's going on? I turn around to notice the entire hallway staring at me. A group of boys comes and stands in front of me, blocking my way. I look up at them and a flash hits my eyes. I cover my face with my hand to avoid the beaming flashes.

"You look hot in that video", A guy smirks and slightly pushes my shoulder. Which video is he talking about?  The group walks past me and when I take off my hand from my face, I can see Aby rushing towards me. She looks worried and tensed. 

"Just go home Jazz...", Aby says grabbing my hand and turning me around to walk with her. 

"What's wrong Aby!?", I practically yell in confusion. 

"Whoosh the whore is here!" a group of girls standing in the hallway, shouts looking at me. I look down at my attire. It is perfect. My blue jeans and yellow shirt are just perfect. It is neither transparent nor tight. Then why is everybody looking at me like that? Whore? I jerk away Aby's hand and give the girls a scowl. 

"What the hell was that?!", I raise my voice at them. Aby tries to pull me back, but I jerk away.

"Well you are a whore...! and that too in a biology lab? like seriously!", The girl gang laughs and I feel like I am dead. The mentioning of biology lab brings back memories and all I can feel is fear. 

"Just shut up!", Aby yells from behind. 

I turn around and my eyes fills with tears, "What is going on Aby?", I ask, panting. Aby lifts her hands to wipe my tears. 

"Jazz... there is this...", Aby begins to say. "What!?", I cut her off and she shakes her head. I look around and find almost every one rolling their eyes at me, some of them are smirking, some are filming me and the boys are either winking or whistling at me. 

"There is this video that is circulated in the entire campus and its about you and Derek", Aby lets out the information and I can just feel like someone has given me a death blow. What video about me and Derek? Who would have even dared to do something like that? 

"I want to see", I say weeping and Aby wraps her arms around me and rubs my back. 

Aby leads me to the biology lab. I ignore everyone's weird stares and mocks and enter the lab. There is a big projector kept in the middle of the room and my eyes widens when I see the video being played in front of everyone. The whole room is filled with people and everyone is looking at me with so much cheapness. My heart falls when I see the video of Derek and me making out in the biology lab. Someone has filmed us and then they circulated it in the entire campus. They have made a fucking sex video of mine! and the entire campus knows about it now!

"Jazz..", Aby is crying too. I try to breathe and ignore all the poking comments from my sides. I cover my face with both my hands and cry in shame. I just cant believe I did something like that. I just knew something like this would happen. I knew this week will not go good, but I didn't expect this coming. I feel like disappearing and just not come back ever again. I have never felt this devastated before. 

"Where is Derek?", I manage to ask Aby. Where is he? He should be the one comforting me and telling me to calm down. But he is no where to be found.

"Let's check. Come on", Aby pulls my hand and leads me outside the room. I never got so much attention in my entire life. This unwanted attention makes me feel terrible. How will mom, dad and Jen react to this? They will be ashamed to death and I feel so sorry for them. 

The names that people are calling me are more painful to hear. Whore? slut? It was much better when I was an unnoticed, ordinary and unpopular student of NYU. It should have remained like that, nothing like this would have ever happened then. The man in such situation will never be considered as guilty, but woman is given a ton load of names. Man will always be considered as a stud but the woman is always called a whore. 

My cheeks are soaked in tears and each time Aby tries to comfort me, the more terrible I feel. By the time we reach the hallway, I can see Derek and his small gang coming from the corner of the hall. I look at him carefully. He is happy and his face is covered with a big smile. I am confused. Doesn't he know about the video? Who even can do that to Derek, regardless of how intimidating he is? Derek will kill that person if he gets to know about all this. 

I walk towards him as quickly as possible and Derek stops in his way. His blue eyes pours into mine and immediately a frown takes over his face. 

"Did you see it?", I ask still crying. Derek stands still looking into my eyes. Ok so he hasn't see it yet. Great!

"They made our sex video...", I cry harder. I don't know what had gotten into me that I even agreed with Derek the other day. He was the one who convinced me and I didn't want to regret any of my time spent with him, but now that's not the case. 

"Who?", He asks calmly. I thought Derek would be so angry after hearing this and would run around the campus, to stop the circulation of the video and find the culprit. But he is so calm right now, even when my tears wouldn't stop falling. 

"Nobody knows about that", Aby answers on behalf of me. I am happy that she is supporting me and standing by me in this horrible situation. 

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