Chapter 20

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"What was that?", I ask Derek, trying to sound as polite and calm as possible. I need answers from him. Who even behaves like that with your mom? and how can he even destroy his own house?

"What was what?", Derek remarks and my anger fumes. But I take a deep breathe trying to stay calm. He ruins all my happiness. The first time I went to a night club, he ruined by entire experience and made it the worst night for me. Now, when I get to spend time with some amazing people, he just cant stand it.

"Derek what you did was completely wrong. She's your mother. Why did you even come there?", I ask keeping my tone firm. 

"Because she is my mom, not yours! I can do whatever shit I want in that house and your no one to ask me about it!", Derek yells. I am done being calm and polite with him and I need to handle this in Derek's own way.

"Stop it Derek! Who do you think you are!? You think your the only one who gets to yell and insult others? Of course not! Anyone could do that to you Derek, but you know what all the people around you loves you and you don't fucking care about anyone! Your mom comes to campus every year to wish you for your birthday and what do you do!? You sit in some fucking apartment and snort drugs!", I cry. I am out of words. Derek's life seems like my own, his happiness feels like my home and when he is sad, I hate the world.

Derek pulls the break and the tyres screech. He stops the car and looks at me. I try not to look into his eyes or else all my anger will get dissolved within seconds. 

"It was my twenty first birthday yesterday and the first thing I did was visiting Roseline. I did ask that guy for drugs and you know he refused to give it to me. When I climbed into Nick's car, he dropped me off near Roseline. I love her. I fucking do. The only reason she is far away from me is because of that women, who claims to be my mom. Every time I see her lavish house, her caring husband, the only person who comes to my mind is Roseline. I know I am bad. I know I don't deserve happiness and I know I am not worth of being loved, but I like to be this way. This is me. The real me. The real Derek Jeremy."

Derek's words makes me cry harder. The boy next to me means so much to me and watching him cry breaks my heart into pieces. I reach out for his cheeks and wipes his tears. Roseline is Derek's sister and why does he claim his mother to be the reason for their separation? There are so many chapters in Derek's life that is yet to be opened. The more I get to know him, the more I understand him. Derek is not a bad guy, he just tries to portray himself like that. I need to fix this broken boy and bring him back to life. 

"I am sorry Derek but I think just an apology will sort out things", I say and Derek looks up at me. He jerks away my hand and turns to start the engine.

"I will rather die than apologizing to that bitch!" Derek snaps and I feel nothing but helpless. 

The rest of the drives passes in silence. We both remain quiet and I feel that is the best option now. Until I get to know the entire past of Derek and his family, I need to stop talking to Derek about it. 

We reach my apartment and Derek pulls up the car. I open the door and climb out of the car. I turn to look at Derek and his blue eyes are staring at me.

"Bye Derek", I manage to say and he waves at me. A small smirk is playing on Derek's lips. "You have a date tonight Jazz. I will be taking you to the tom's tonight. Be ready at 7", Derek says and my stomach flutters. I feel it strange, as though Derek has been reading my mind the entire time. The important thing about Derek's proposal is that he isn't asking me instead he is just ordering. However I would like to go on a date with Derek. It is going to so much fun and I cant wait for the evening. Finally I will be on my first date with Derek and the thought itself makes me happy.

"Ok see you around", I say and walk back to my apartment. The saddest part of my date is that Aby is not home. If she would have been there, she would have helped me get ready by choosing my best outfit and applying makeup on me. I miss her, but I am happy that she is with Josh.  

I have a jelly sandwich with black coffee and wonder how will my date go on. My first experience at the night club didn't go well, but now the same person is compensating for it and I feel extremely pleased. 

I go through my dresses and is unable to choose one. Aby would've made my job easier, but now I have to do it on my own. I pull out my favorite pink frock which I had worn it last time to the club. It is a good choice, as I am going to replace that night with this. So I decide to wear the same dress with the same of makeup. 

Suddenly my phone chimes and I reach out to find a message from Isha. I was overwhelmed with joy, but as I see the message I only realize that the problems are yet to be solved.

*I am sorry about Derek. I didn't expect him to be there *, the message reads.

*Its ok Isha. I was really wondering if I could meet Roseline one day. Could you please just help me with it? *, I reply and wait for Isha's response. I need to meet Roseline. Why isn't she with the family? I need answers from her, only then I can bring Derek out of the darkness.

After minutes of waiting, I finally get a response from Isha.

*I am so sorry Jazz, I will never be able to tell you anything about Roseline. If you do need answers, only Derek can give you that *

I am very well aware about Derek and his temper, but I don't understand the tension that is there in his family. I don't want to push Isha. If I need answers, I will have to ask Derek about it.

I keep my phone aside and concentrate on my date tonight with Derek. My stomach flutters at the thought of spending the whole time with Derek.

Hey guys, I know the 'date' thing is quite fast in the story, like it should have been at a later chapter or maybe, but I just thought it would be good if its in the beginning. I promise you their date is going to be the best!

Thank you for reading :)

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