Chapter 36

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"Derek?", I ask over the phone. I know it is Derek and I am completely sure about it, but maybe I am day dreaming. How did Derek get my number? I just don't understand who is helping Derek with all these details about me. 

"Where are you Jazz..?", Derek sounds worried. Why is he even bothered about me?

"I am with my family ", I stress the word 'family' and can feel him getting angry over the phone. 

"How did you get my number?", I ask before he can say something. I need to know. There are many things I don't know that need answers.

"When are you back?", Derek asks, ignoring my question. I hate how he doesn't give any importance to my words.

"I don't know", I say and hang up the call. I don't want our conversation to end with a fight. I know he is pissed, but he just shouldn't care about me. Derek tries calling me again, but this time I quickly save his number and switch off my phone. I don't want my small escape trip to be ruined.

"We are ready!", Jen squeaks as she comes near me. "Mom, dad and aunt Emma are at the pool side. So we will have no disturbance from them", she continues and I wonder if I should tell Jen about Derek's call. 

"Come on girls!", Roy walks towards us. He is is his boxers and Jen is already in her bikini. I choose to go with my shorts and T-shirt. I don't like exposing my body in front of people.

"Ready...", I say and stand up from the chair. 

The three of us stand at the edge of the cliff. I take a deep breath and look at Roy and Jen. The blue water stretched beneath us makes me nervous and excited at the same time. 

"Oh my God....!!!", Jen squeaks and I give her a nervous smile. What would Derek do if he was here now? Will he be scared? I choose to ignore my thoughts about Derek and instead, concentrate on the dive.

"1...2....", Roy begins to count and my heart beats faster. My legs are shaking and my hands are sweating so much. I can pass out at any moment because of my nervousness and excitement.

"3!!!", Roy shouts and the three of us take a leap and jump off the cliff. I scream loudly and Jen does it too. My vision goes blur and my body feels heavy as I fall into the water. As soon as the water hits my body, I open my eyes. I see blue everywhere and can even see little fishes inside. Its a huge stream and I try to come up at the surface of the water. The water is deep and I push my body to come up. I see Jen and Roy floating on the surface and when they see me, they smile. "Finally we did it!", I say and laugh. Roy and Jen holds up their hands in victory and leads me out of the water.

When we step out and look up at the cliff, we can see mom, dad and aunt Emma waving at us. We wave back at them and make our way back up to the cliff. 

"It was so much fun!", Jen squeaks giving mom a tight hug. I have only watched cliff diving in the movies, but today doing it felt so wild and so free. I wish I could get to do such things more often and be happy.


Its 6 on the clock and finally we sign out of the resort. I completely enjoyed my time with Roy, Jen and family. I have never been so calm and composed before.

We return home and aunt Emma makes us some delicious chicken noodles. 

"We were really scared for you kids", mom says and sighs in relief. I give her an assuring smile and dad pats on my shoulder. 

"Tomorrow we are visiting the church and I want you three to come with us", aunt Emma says serving her plate. I haven't visited the church for a long time, so I nod agreeing to aunt Emma.

Jen and I make up our beds. I decide to sleep with her since I've been sleeping alone in all these months. 

I lay down next to Jen and she sighs.

"Derek called me", I blurt out. However, I don't regret it. 

"What!?", Jen sits up straight from the bed and looks down at me.

"Yeah before we went for cliff diving, he called me to ask when will I be back", I say honestly. There is no need to hide anything from Jen so I am always completely honest with her.

"Jazz... I think he does loves you! why would a guy call a girl if he doesn't care for her?", Jen raises an eyebrow at me.

I know Derek cares for me. But he doesn't love me. Love doesn't involve insulting and breaking hearts and that's what Derek always does to me.

"No Jen", I simply say and turn to my side. I don't want my thoughts to be even more jumbled, that would be harder for me.

Without any further conversation, Jen and I drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I come downstairs and find mom standing at the kitchen counter. I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her waist from behind. 

"Jazz...", She whines.

"How do you know its me? It could've been Jen", I say and groan.

Mom turns around and places her hands on my shoulders. "Because I am your mother", she says and runs her fingers through my hairs.

"I will miss you mom", I say and hug her. I don't know what will be the situation when I get back to New York. Whether I will be happy or sad? nothing is predictable and I will really miss all the love that I get from Texas.

"Jessie is something wrong in New York? Look..", mom lifts my chin up to look at her and continues, "if NYU is not what you want, then you can always transfer your college to Texas anytime. No one will ever question your decision Jazz, I promise that"

"Thank you mom", I say and push my hair behind my ear. It was a good option for me. But how will I live without seeing Derek? Will I ever be ok with that? I can escape from Derek in just a minute, maybe I can change my college for the next semester, but will I be happy with my decision?

"Get ready soon. We have to leave to the church", Mom says and I give her a swift kiss on her cheek and head to my room to get dressed.

Hey!! I hope you all liked the cliff diving part. To be honest, I've never done something like that in my life but I always wished to do it. This chapter was more about family and I really thought the readers should know about the relationship of Jessie with her family. So hope you liked it :)

Thank you for reading, vote and comment !!!! <>

Xoxo :)

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