Chapter 12

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Content advisory- From this chapter onwards the story takes a new course. It mainly includes dark themes such as drugs, alcohol and sexual descriptions are in detail. The whole story continues with such themes, so read at your own risk.

"The principle called to tell me that my grumpy boy is roaming around shirtless. So here I am bringing him an extra shirt!", Isha rolls her eyes in a very funny way and we both burst into laughter. She is just opposite of Derek. She is very sweet and very kind, not a single trail of rudeness is there in her.

"So.. you two are friends?", Isha asks me and it takes few seconds to realize that she is talking about me and Derek. 

"I don't know. Maybe we are friends", I like to be honest with Isha. She has no judgement in her eyes and I like the way she makes me feel comfortable around her.

"Probably your the very first girl who is so unsure about my brother", she chuckles and I join her. Our conversation goes on for a really long time. I tell her honestly how irritating Derek was when I first met him and she agrees with me. The bell rings and I realize that we are talking from past one hour. Isha leans in to give me a tight hug, before leaving.

"I would really like if you could come to our house this weekend. I will make sure Derek doesn't know about it.", Isha assures me. Derek will obviously be upset about me coming to his house. We are not really on good terms. Isha had told me that Derek doesn't allow any of his friends to enter his house. But Isha is inviting me and I cant tell her No.

"In Cappadocia!?", I ask raising a brow at her. I would like to spend my weekend with Derek's family, but Cappadocia is way too far from New York.

"What! we are living in Manhattan dear..", Isha says and I am baffled. Derek had told me that he had visited his hometown in Cappadocia. Why would he lie to me? 

"Okay I will be there", I assure Isha. We both share our phone numbers and she messages me the address. "Derek is usually not home. So don't worry about his presence", Isha laughs and then bids goodbye. She exits the library and I head to my physics class.

The rest of the day goes on well. Derek is not found anywhere in the campus. I wonder where does he go missing like this. I wait for Josh and Aby near the campus gate. I haven't spoken to Aby since the match. I have never waited for Josh to pick me up until now. Where is Aby and Josh?

I wait for twenty minutes. Aby doesn't respond to any of my calls or texts. Finally I decide to walk back home. 

"Hey", a voice from behind stops me on my way. I turn to see Derek walking towards me with a cigarette in his hand. He is dressed in a white long sleeves shirt with black pants. He looks so fresh and so good.

"I will accompany you till your apartment. Aby and Josh are busy doing their science project", Derek says talking a puff of the cigarette. 

"I will come with you if you stop smoking", I say firmly and Derek lets out a small chuckle. To be honest I hate guys who smokes and I don't want to hate Derek. 

As instructed, he drops the cigarette down and my face is covered with a big smile. Derek and I begin to walk. He is so calm and composed right now. I cant believe that this is the same Derek who called me a slut few weeks before. His shift in emotions is something that makes me more curious about him.

"I met your sister today in the library", I say not thinking about the outcome. "Sure you did", Derek sighs. I am taken a back by his response. I had assumed that he would throw a fit on me. 

"What is it between you and Venice?", I blurt out and feel like slapping myself. Derek's face tenses. His blue eyes is now filled with anger and irritation. Why do I always want to spoil our moments together? 

"What the fuck is your problem!?", Derek yells at me. People on the streets are looking at us with wide eyes. I look down feeling embarrassed. "Venice fucking loved me and I didn't return her love. That's what it is!", Derek spits. I hate the way his tone changes when he is angry. Venice is my friend and he shouldn't be talking about her like this.

"I am sorry", I don't know what else to say. It is so difficult to communicate with Derek. Each and every word of yours can trigger something inside him.

The rest of the walk passes by in silence. We reach the apartment. My heart aches to let him go so soon. I don't understand my feelings for Derek. I am angry at him, but I also like him. I like to be around him. I like to watch him smile. My judgement about him was completely wrong. He deserves to be loved like the way he should be. 

"You can come up", I say looking at him. His blue eyes pours into mine. "Sure", he says smiling. This is my favorite side of Derek. All happy and adorable.

I open the door and we enter the apartment. Derek closes the door behind us and I place my bag on the couch. I turn to look at Derek. He walks towards me slowly and instantly my breathing raises. "I can give you your sweatshirt", I stammer. Before I can say anything further, Derek presses his mouth against mine. He pulls off my specs and I gasp. His tongue traces over mine and I moan into his mouth. Slowly his hand reaches out for the zipper and he pulls it down. I have no control over my body or mind. Derek has completely taken over my senses and I allow him to take this control that I love. He takes off the shirt from my body and soon cups my breast. I moan and whimper in his arms. His mouth is still pressed against mine and he slightly pushes me onto the couch and hovers on top of me. I push my bag off the couch, allowing Derek to take over me completely.

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