Chapter 35

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I freshen up and take a seat next to Jen. Mom starts serving me pasta and I give her a pleasant smile. It tastes delicious. Dad and Jen also compliments mom for her amazing cooking skills. I wish Derek also sat with his family in the same way and enjoyed each and every moment with them. Kay and Isha would be so happy when he will show up at the family dinner. However you cant expect more from Derek.

"So.. how is your college Miss Damon?", dad asks me in a funny tone. For me college is equal to Derek and I don't want my parents to know how miserable I am.

"Good", I simply say. 

"Did you make any new boyfriends?", mom asks winking at me. She always wanted me to get that one perfect boyfriend. When she got to know about Chris and me, I assured her that I would never fall for such a trap again.

"No.. no", I say and clear my throat. Jen notices how uncomfortable I am with the whole situation. So she stands up from the table and looks at me.

"I need to talk you cub", she says and holds my hand. I place my plate on the table and follow Jen to her room. Mom and Dad are confused at our behavior, but I am thankful that Jen saved me from the awkward conversation.

As we come into the room, Jennet closes the door behind us.

"Thank you for saving me", I say and sigh in relief. 

We sit on the mattress and Jen puts her hand on mine. "What's going on Jazz...?", Jen asks me with a worried look on her face. She is the only one who can understand me and I need to tell her every detail of my college life so far.

"Jen... I kind of love a boy and.."

"And you slept with him!?", Jen cuts me off. 

"No!", I slightly yell at her even though that's the truth.

"Then what?", Jen is more curious than I thought she would be. She sits up straight and leans forward. "His name is Derek Jeremy, he is the most popular guy in the college and almost every girl likes him. I've have been sleeping with him few times and then I realized that I love him. But Jen.. he doesn't like me. In fact he hates me so much and I don't know why. Every time he is only insulting me and breaking my heart", I say and Jen's mouth slightly drops.

I say Jen about Kay and Isha, my visit to their house, how I caught Derek begging for drugs before his birthday, our first date and how he gets angry when I talk to him about his family. 

"Its way too complicated Jazz.. I know you love Derek, but you cant force him to love you back. Real love is never easy and if it is easy then its not real", Jen' words have an intended effect on me and I feel really better now.

"If you really love him, be happy for him, help him be with his family. That's the only thing you can do for him Jazz...", Jen says.

She is absolutely right. I should not be bothered about how Derek feels for me. I love him and I know it. Even if he hates me, I love him and I want to see him happy. I always wanted him to love me back, to be nice to me and to stop insulting me, but why for? I am no one to Derek and that's completely okay. 

"Jazz, you go back and help him love his family. If you two are meant to be, then no one can come in between your love. Not even Derek."

I scoot closer to Jen and wrap my arms around her. I cant thank her enough for her advice. I was so wrong in thinking that Derek doesn't deserve to be loved. But now, I understand that he doesn't deserve to be hated too. 

"I love you Jen", I say into her neck.

"I love you more", Jen says and hugs me tighter.


After our heartfelt conversation, Jen and I come downstairs. When we reach the living room, I spot aunt Emma and her son Roy. As soon as she sees him, she stands up from the couch and looks at me in amazement.

"Hello aunt Emma", I say and wrap my arms around her. "Oh my God you're so grown up!", she squeaks and I let out a little chuckle. 

"Hey Jazz", Roy says from behind. I walk towards him and he pulls me into a warm hug.

Roy, Jen and I were childhood besties. We always used to go trips together, celebrate festivals together and even went to the same school. Roy was always my support system, he was always there for me whenever I wanted him. We had even decided that we would apply for the same college, but unfortunately Roy didn't get to the NYU. I miss him so much and to see him after such long months makes me feel really happy.

"I missed you so much", I say looking into his green eyes. His green eyes makes me realize how much I miss the familiar blue ones. Roy smiles and slightly nudges my cheek. 

"Since we three have met after such a long time, that calls for a celebration! let's get crazy..!!!", Jen jumps on the floor with excitement.

"Well... I have an idea, lets go for cliff diving today?", Roy suggests and I nod my head in excitement. Cliff diving was always there in my bucket list, but I just needed a company for it. Now that I have the best company with me, I wouldn't let this opportunity go for a waste.

"That would be great! Let's start the packing!", Jen squeaks, making everyone laugh. 

Everybody gets ready for our activity today. Aunt Emma books a taxi for all of us and it arrives within fifteen minutes. Jen books an amazing resort for our stay and mom cannot stop praising her. We all climb into the taxi and head to the 'palm resorts'.


Its 1 on the clock by the time we finish our lunch. The small resort looks incredibly amazing with its beautiful view. The resort is located right at the beginning of the cliff and is surrounded by big palm trees. I am slightly nervous about the idea of diving from such heights. 

After drinking my cocktail, I decide to take a nap. The instructor told us that we could cliff dive after an hour. Suddenly my phone chimes. Its an unknown number and I wonder who could be on the other side of the call. 

I pick up the call and answer it, "Hello."

"Where the fuck are you!?", the caller responds over the phone and I immediately understand who it is.

Hey guys.. I know Roy came into the story very suddenly and every went off just so quickly. I just wanted this Texas and the weekend to get over faster because there will be lot of drama after that. So yeah sorry if you didn't enjoy the chapter, I'll try my best to keep you engaged to the story!!

Thank you for reading :)

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