Chapter 34

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I reach for the door handle and step out of the apartment. My eyes widen when I see Derek sitting across the door, bending his head down. Didn't he go home? Now, even my plans of stepping out of the apartment is shattered. I know he will not let me walk away just like that from him. So I cross my arms over my chest and look at Derek. 

"Haven't you gone yet?", I ask and his eyes meets mine. He doesn't say anything. What is wrong with him?

"Why do hate me so much?", Derek asks and throws me off guard. I expected him to start yelling again or create a big drama in the corridor. But he is calm and composed. Derek's question sounds ridiculous to me. I should ask him this question instead- why does he hate me so much? 

"I am supposed to ask that", I say casually. There is no point in twisting your words and feelings in front of Derek, he however will not understand it. 

"I don't hate you", He says and I huff. Derek has this perfect American accent, and I cant help but adore it. I mentally slap myself for my weird thoughts. I am in between a serious conversation with Derek and I am flattered by his looks already. How pathetic!

"Well if you do, I really don't care. Now get your shit out of here", I say. I am surprised at my choice of words. From when did I start using these phrases?

"We need to talk", Derek says and stands up from the floor. I don't know what is left to talk. Should I tell him about Texas? I guess no.

"I would have really spoken to you if you would have agreed to attend your family dinner", I say the truth.

"Its my family dinner! Why are you even bothered!?", Derek raises his voice at me. Ok.. now Derek is back. 

"Its your family dinner and that's why I am bothered!", I yell back. I try to calm down because I don't want to disturb my neighbors in the apartment. I don't want to be kicked out of this place because of this angry boy.

"Kay had invited me for dinner this weekend and I just wanted you to come with me. That's it", I say trying to swallow my anger. 

"Why will I even come with you!?", Derek yells.

So now we are back to point one. I know Derek will say the same old things- how I mean nothing to him and how an ordinary girl doesn't have any right to tell him what he can and cannot do. I don't want to hear those hurtful words from his mouth again.

"Please leave Derek", I practically beg. I have no more energy left in me to fight with this boy again. 

"Once you get to know about Roseline, you will never ever want to meet Kay again in your life!!", Derek yells even more louder and walks away. What is it with Kay and Roseline? Derek's words always puts me in even more confusions. There is always that mystery around him and his family.

Once he is gone, I make my way out of the apartment. I drive to the nearby restaurant and have a plate of grilled chicken. It tastes delicious. I also parcel few jelly sandwiches for tomorrow. 

I pay my bill and exit the restaurant. I come back to the apartment and quickly change into my pajamas. My flight is at 7 in the morning and I have to make sure that I wake up early. I set my alarm at 5 and quickly drift off to sleep.


The next morning, my alarm goes at 5 and I immediately head to the shower. I turn on the hot water and shampoo my hair. The thought of leaving Derek alone in New York makes me sad. I quickly come out of the shower and get dressed. I chose a simple tank top with blue jeans and sneakers. No makeup, no perfect hair and no fancy outfits, that's how I am. I stuff my mouth with two jelly sandwiches and pour a cup of coffee for myself. Its 5:45 AM on the clock and I check the apartment for one last time. 

I grab my big suitcase and lock the apartment. I wish Aby and Josh were here with me. But wherever they are, I am very happy for them.

I book a taxi, as soon as I come out of the apartment. Within ten minutes, the taxi arrives and I climb into it. Thoughts of Derek floods over my mind. I try hard to ignore it, but I am helpless.

After an hour, I reach the airport and board the plane on time.

New York <------------------------------------->Texas. 


Houston is my favorite place forever. My hometown. I am very excited to meet mom, dad and Jen. I miss them so much and I haven't spoken to them lately. With so much going on in my life, family is the only place where I can be safe.

The streets are not very busy and the taxi stops right in front of my house. I sigh before I step out of the taxi and walk towards the front door.

My house is not very big. A typical middle class family living happily- describes my house. I still remember, how nervous I was before leaving to New York. This house holds so much memory and will always be my favorite place. 

I ring the doorbell and within seconds, the door slams open. Mom, Dad and Jen quickly gives me a hug and pulls me inside the house. 

"I missed you so much cub!", Jen squeaks and hugs me tighter. 

"My girl has grown so big!", Mom says, wiping her tears. I give her a long warm hug and she kisses my cheek. There is nothing like mother's love.

My dad looks at me with teary eyes and a small smile on his lips. I have missed him so much more than anyone else. I quickly give him a tight hug. 

"You look so different", dad says and I nod at him. Of course I look different. I was happy when I left Texas but now I am pretending to be happy after coming back from New York. 

"I made your favorite mushroom pasta", mom says. 

"Oh mom... for that Jazz should freshen up first", Jen says, pulling me with her to the bedroom. I can hear mom and dad chuckle behind us and after so many months, I feel like home.

Ok so this chapter was not so great, but it was very important for the story. However the next chapters will be more of Jessie and Derek :) Thank you so much for reading. Keep voting and commenting please!! Xoxo

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