Chapter 4

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Next day:

The first hour is biology and I head towards the lab. I hope that there is no any sought of chaos like yesterday. I open the door and relief takes over my face when everyone is settled in their seats. Derek is sitting quietly and flashes of him with the girl come across my mind. I shake my head and take an empty seat in the middle row.

A tall guy with a tattoo on his hand sits next to me. I take a look at his tattoo and it is a bird embedded in black ink. He turns to look at me.

"Hey! My name is Tobey", the boy smiles at me. He is good-looking. His green eyes are soft and his skin tone is olive.

"Hi I am Jessie", I say returning him a smile. He nods, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well. I would like to ask you if...", Tobey begins but soon stops when Derek puts a hand on his shoulder. Tobey turns to look at him. He is nervous. My anger for Derek returns as soon as I see him.

"I need you to get up and get lost", Derek remarks. I am baffled by the tension going on between Derek and Tobey. Without any word, Tobey gets up from his seat and walks away and soon enough Derek takes the seat.

"That was rude", I say, not looking at Derek.

"You shouldn't give a fuck", he says and now I am beyond annoyed. I don't get it why am I even talking to this prick. He can say anything and I should not be bothered.

The class is almost filled and I pray for the professor to enter the class as soon as possible. I don't want to deal with Derek's shit anymore.

"I didn't know you belonged to NYU and now I can say biology is going to be interesting", Derek smirks at me. I feel like just leaving the class, but I have no option. Answering my prayers, the professor enters the class. We wish him and take our seats. He places his book on the table looking at us.

"Good morning class. My name is Edward. I didn't appreciate your behavior yesterday. Hope it doesn't repeat", the professor says and I look at Derek. It was all his fault.

"Yeah we thought you were a jerk", Derek laughs and the class joins him. His remark makes me so uncomfortable and so awkward. Edward shifts uncomfortably and I can just notice it. Why does he do this to every professor!? Why can't he keep his mouth shut!? Why does he feel so important!?

"Can you please shut up!", I say loud enough for Derek to hear. I am done with his notorious behavior. He can do all this shit in some other class. I can't even believe that he is my senior! No freshmen can behave so absurdly.

"As you wish", he says and rolls his eyes. If I was given a chance, I would just bury Derek in the ground. I am pissed and annoyed by this boy since the time I met him.

"I need you to set the microscope first and then view the specimen of the leaf cell, writing down your observations", Professor Edward announces.

Derek grabs the microscope from the table and begins to adjust the lens. I have no choice but to watch him do it. Each table is provided with only one microscope and I feel like banging my head on the wall.

Derek finally sets the lens to 10x and I grab the microscope from his hand to place the specimen. I adjust the focus knob and increase the light intensity. Derek is carefully watching me.

I place the microscope on the table.

"You first", I say looking at the handsome boy next to me. I must admit how incredibly hot Derek looks. His hair is always falling on his face and each time, he uses both of his hands to move the hair off his forehead. The gesture looks incredibly sexy and I take a closer look at his hair. It is not completely blonde. Different shades of gold are mixed with blonde and the combination looks so amazingly attractive.

"Your turn", Derek moves the microscope near me. I come back from my thoughts and look at the specimen and note down my observation. I am sure Derek didn't make a note of it, but who cares.

Professor Edward tells us about the right observation and finishes the class. Derek was quiet during the entire class and I can't believe that he listened to me. As soon as the Professor exits the room, I get up from my seat and gather my things.

"See you at the Tom's", Derek says, standing up from the table. Tom's? Where is that? What is going on there?

Derek and everyone else exit the room. I pull out my phone to text Aby.

*Hey Aby can I meet you*, I type.

*Canteen*, she replies.

As instructed I come to the canteen and find Aby and Josh sipping their coffee.

"Hey", I say and take a seat.

"How was biology?", Josh asks and I funnily roll my eyes. He chuckles and Aby shakes her head, smiling.

"Today we are going to have plans in the evening. Everybody at NYU is cordially invited to the Tom's and it's going to be fantastic!", Aby squeaks.

Oh. So this is what Derek was talking about. The thought of going to Tom's and finding Derek right in front of you the entire time makes me sick. I don't know why but I am very uncomfortable around him.

"No excuses Jazz", Josh chuckles.

"Tom's club in New York's best nightclub Jazz. You are going to have so much fun", Aby tells and smiles at me.

Fun? Around Derek? The nightclub is probably his second home. Meet new girls every day and hook up with them. That's what he probably does daily.

Aby and Josh know Derek. Everybody on this damn campus knows him. But I don't get how people can even tolerate him. Someone who despises him as much as I in Venice. I haven't seen her the entire day. I hope she comes to Tom's.

"Let's get back home early today. We will need time to dress up for the club Jessie", Aby says.

I never thought going to a nightclub will be this important. Aby is beyond excited and Josh is happy. I don't want to go, but Derek can't control my life. He cannot have such importance in my life and I should not cancel any of my plans because of him. 

I have only attended two of my classes today- biology and physics. It's my second day and I am already bunking classes. I don't feel good about it. 

We three reach the apartment and quickly begins to get ready. I wear my new pink dress, which Aby bought for me from the mall, with black heels. I put on some light makeup and Aby draws a thick line of black eyeliner. I look at the mirror and my mouth drops.

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