Chapter 83

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"I am so sorry. Is everything fine between you two?", Venice asks with a concerned look.

"Yeah. He just has these mood swings...", I say and look away.

"Jazz, did you tell him that you love him?", She asks.

"No, well should I tell him?", I ask her back.

"Yeah, the prom is a great opportunity for you to tell him about your feelings. But be prepared, he can even break your heart terribly", Venice warns.

"I know", I sigh.

"Hey!", she places holds my hand, "He will be somewhere with his friends. Don't worry", She assures me. His friends are a load of shit. They can make Derek do anything that I hate. 

"Why don't we get a drink?", Venice offers.

"I guess yes", I say and smile. We make our way to the small table filled with drinks. I don't know which glass to pick up. Everything looks the same, but the liquid inside is different. 

"Here", Venice hands me over a small glass filled with a fade liquid. "What's this?", I ask and take it from her.

"Its tequila", Venice smiles.

"You drink?", I ask with a horrified expression.

"Well, everybody is drinking in the room", she says and sighs. I look around. Well everybody is drinking tonight.

"I've never done this before", I say honestly. Venice chuckles, "Derek taught me this actually", she says and I can feel a part of me getting jealous.

"Oh", I simply sigh.

"Ok, remember its lick, shoot and suck", Venice places a small cup of salt and two wedges of lime on the table in front of me.

"What?", I ask.

"Jazz, first you take a pinch of salt in your hand and then you lick it off and swiftly drink the shot of tequila and immediately you suck on a wedge of the lime", Venice explains. I never imagined Venice to be wild and bold like this. I always thought she was silent and reserved. But maybe this is the real Venice. The one which I saw few minutes was that broken part of her.

I do as instructed and put a pinch of salt on the back of the palm. "Ready?", Venice asks. I need to think now clearly. Should I really get drunk tonight? What will Derek say if he finds me drunk in a prom? He isn't here anyway... my subconscious reminds me. Yes, he is missing and I wonder if he will even return back. So, I push my worries aside and nod at Venice. 

I quickly lick the salt off my hand and gulp down the liquid as soon as possible. It is strong and I whimper. "Lemon!", Venice looks at me and reminds. I suck at a wedge of the lemon and the sour taste of the liquid begins to fade on my tongue. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Indeed its so good.

"Wow! that was awesome!", I say and shrug. Venice chuckles, "I think you need to learn such things from your boyfriend", she winks. Boyfriend? No where he deserves that tag.

Suddenly, Venice's phone rings. "Oh its my mom", She says and picks up the call. I open my purse and pull out my phone to check the time. Its 2 in the midnight! I look around and the ballroom is still filled with people.

"Uhm, I need to go. Mom is just worried about me", Venice informs me and I smile at her. "Ok", I say and she wraps her hand around me. 

"Till when is this going go?", I ask, looking around.

"I don't know. Every year it lasts till 6 in the morning", she says and my eyes widen.

"Ok.. take care", Venice says and makes her way out of the room.

I remove my mask and look around again. Where is Derek? Did he go back home without telling me? I dial his number on the phone, but the call directs me to his voicemail. Damn it! Derek has made this night boring as hell. I have nothing to do. I am like those single girls who no one pays attention to. I feel terrible and I can feel the tears building in my eyes. Suddenly, I find Jimmy standing next to me. He is taking his shot of tequila and I observe him carefully. He has almost finishes three shots and is attempting for the fourth one.

"Jim?", I finally speak up.

He turns to look at me and his evil smile returns on his face," Oh... Jessie Damon! What are you doing here?", he slurs. I am sure he is drunk, so I need to be even more careful.

"We had a prom remember?", I say and roll my eyes. 

"Yeah, that's why Derek was dancing with that chick over there", he says and laughs loudly. I furrow my eyebrows at Jimmy, "What...? What did you say? Derek... is here?", I stammer. 

"Yes, he is with Olivia", Jim sighs and takes his fourth tequila shot.

Olivia? I remember seeing her few times in the hallway and she appears to be a bitch to me. Olivia is the most popular girl in the entire college. What is Derek doing with her? He left me alone for her? Is he dancing with her?

"Girl.. he is not what you think... He is a fucking player", Jimmy slurs and laughs.

I remain quiet. Jimmy can't be lying to me. When you're drunk you don't think anything and that's when the heart speaks the truth. Derek cheated on me and now, he is with Olivia. Everything is crystal clear now. I look at the filled tequila shots and I have no option but to get drunk tonight. I need to forget the pain and liquor can do wonders in this matter. I quickly take another shot of tequila and wait for my tongue to adjust to its taste. I take the third shot immediately and cringe at its taste. It is strong shots and I feel my body heavy. My mind is circling and I don't know where my heart is.

"Whoa, slow down girl", Jim laughs.

I take another shot and I can feel my body adjust to it. I look at Jimmy seductively. I cant think straight. If Derek has cheated on me, I can cheat on him as well. Jim is my weapon against Derek. I know he cant stand this jerk and that is just so good for me.

"Dance with me Jim", I say and take a step closer to him.

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