Hell Girl x Demonophobia 2

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Aya screams in horror and runs towards the door to escape but the doors disappeared. She spotted a door at the end of a hallway and began running towards it. But the door appears to be receding further and further back and Aya isn't getting any closer. Suddenly, the door at the end of the hallway opens. Aya stops dead in her tracks upon seeing the door open by itself.

Out of nowhere, Wanyuudo in his carriage form appears, running towards Aya. Aya screams and turns around, now wanting to run in the opposite direction.

Aya ran as fast as she could but Wanyuudo was faster and he managed to speed past her, causing Aya to fall to the side and crash through a wall. The wall ripped like paper upon impact.

Aya landed on the ground, now in a different room. She opens her eyes and sees that she is now in a room full of skeletons. A gashadokuro appears and looms towards her.

Aya screams in horror and hastily gets up preparing to run away. She spots Hone-Onna in the distance and runs towards her.

"Please help me! I'm being chased!" Aya begged.

Hone-Onna turned to face Aya, her face skeletal. Aya gasps at the sight of Hone-Onna and runs away.

She trips and falls forwards.

"Please stop this!" Aya begged.

"No!" Kikuri retorted, pulling one of her lower eyelids and sticking out her tongue.


Aya looks up and finds herself surrounded by Ren, Wanyuudo, Hone-Onna, Kikuri, and Yamawaro.

"Who are you, people?!" Aya shouts angrily.

"This is all Sakuri and Saya's doing isn't it? They think they can scare me?!"

Blood starts raining down, leaving Aya soaked and stained while Ren, Hone-Onna, Wanyuudo, Kikuri, and Yamawaro remain unscathed and dry.

"You've hurt two innocent individuals who did nothing to you yet you see yourself as the real victim." Wanyuudo said.

"You use your arrogance and pride as excuses to blame others for your actions, correct?" Hone-Onna asked.

"Stop! Just give me a chance! Just give me chance." Aya begged.

"Did you give your victims a chance?" Ren asked.

Aya hesitated and looked at Ren.

"It was all kids' stuff! It's their stupid faults for getting me in trouble! And they've ruined my life! I was just living my life and minding my own business!" Aya snapped, making excuses.

Ren, Wanyuudo, and Hone-Onna looked at each other, realizing that Aya is beyond redemption.

Ai appears before Aya, floating in mid-air.

"Who are you, you bitch?!" Aya shouted at Ai.

"O pitiful shadow lost in darkness...bringing pain and suffering to others....an irredeemable soul wallowing in sin..."

"Care to give death a try?"  Ai said.


Aya is now on the boat with Ai, being ferried to Hell.

"I consign this grievance to Hell..." Ai mumbled nonchalantly.

Back in the real world, Sakuri is still horrified at what she has done. She bent her knees and wrapped her arms around them. Saya slowly walks towards Sakuri and tries to comfort her. When Saya laid a land on Sakuri's arm, Sakuri smacked her hand away.

Sakuri lifts up her head, glaring at Saya.

"Don't touch me!" Sakuri snapped. She gets up and pushes Saya down.

Sakuri ran down the street and headed towards the train boom gates. Saya gets up, still in a sitting position, groaning in pain. She looked around, frantically looking for Sakuri. When she spotted Sakuri heading towards train boom gates, she gasps in horror. The train boom gates have lowered and train is about to pass.

"Sakuri!!!! Noooo!!!!" Saya shouted, reaching out her arm.

Sakuri wasn't watching where she was going. When she arrived at the train tracks, she bends down to go under the train boom gates.

Right when she got under the boom gates, the train finally arrived and hits her, killing her instantly.

Saya stood frozen in shock, still reaching out her arm.

Sakuri gasps after opening her eyes. She gets up and looks around.

"Where am I?" Sakuri asked, seeing that she is on a wooden boat in a middle of a foggy realm. When Sakuri spotted Ai standing in front of her and rowing the boat, she gasps.

"You?! What happened?" Sakuri asked.

"I consign this grievance to Hell." Ai said.

"To Hell..?!" Sakuri mumbled.

She gasps in horror, realizing she has died and is now banished to Hell.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Sakuri shouted.

Hone-Onna, Wanyuudo, and Ren watch from afar in pity.

"So unfortunate. She died shortly after banishing her bully to Hell." Ren said.

"I thought she was going to reconsider..." Hone-Onna said.

Sakuri crouched down and clutched her head, sobbing quietly.


OC & Canon CrossoversOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora