Chapter 63: Sudden Attack

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3rd POV:

It was now day 2 of the Summer Training Camp as the advanced class continue on with their training regiments. After yesterday's tiring venture across the Beast's Forest that was littered with Pixie-Bob's Earth Beasts and the gruesome training right after their lunch, the advanced class was able to restore their energy after a well-rested night at their rooms.

They woke up early in the morning as Aizawa instructed so that they would be able to train as soon as possible and help them improve their quirks and skills. Many of them were sleepy and still wanted to sleep a bit more, but none dared to say their thoughts as this will result in Aizawa making their training twice as hard than it's supposed to be.

Training went on as usual as they were given tasks on what they need to accomplish that day. Their schedule was jam-packed but was still quite manageable. 

Momo was learning how to wield a gun and a sword with the help of Ragdoll's search quirk. Because of Ragdoll's quirk and the experiences she gained through her years of being a pro hero, she was able to teach Momo how to wield a gun and sword since she fought villains before that used those kinds of weapons. And with her search quirk, she was able to grasp their handgun and sword techniques.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were training under Tiger, a pro hero that focuses more on martial arts and hand-to-hand combat with the use of his flexibility quirk. Tiger was training Kirishima and Tetsutetsu on their fighting abilities through spar matches. Tiger also decided on a way to have them improve their muscles and flexibility by doing dances as he played the music and have them dance the same move over and over again until their muscle fibers break.

Jiro was facing a cliffside as she was tasked to improve the audio quality of her earphone jacks by having her strike them on the cliffside. This was in order for her to have clearer audio when using her earphone jacks in scouting for movements while also making her sound wave attacks stronger.

Mina was right beside her as she was tasked to melt a huge boulder with her acids until nothing is left of it. This was so that her acid will become much more effective in melting any object that it may come in contact with. She is also training the viscosity and solubility of her acids as well.

A few meters in front of them were Shoto and Katsuki as they were sparring with each other. Pixie-Bob created a crater where they could have a sparring match with the use of her Earth Flow quirk. Shoto and Katsuki were in a heated battle as neither of them was backing down. Katsuki was training with his explosions to become much more powerful, while Shoto was practicing fighting with both his flames and ice in use.

In the forest, Hitoshi was jumping from tree to tree while battling his dad in a heated sparring match. Hitoshi was training his fighting skills and adaptability in his surroundings while his dad was trying to beat him. He and Aizawa would trade punches and kicks and would also use their capture bands and scarf to their advantage.

In the forest as well, Sero can be seen swinging in the trees as he was training the strength and durability of his tapes. Using them to swing as his tapes carried his body weight while also having two boulders attached to his waist with his tapes. Increasing his body strength while also improving his quirk.

Kaminari was also in the forest as he was in the middle of it. He was closing his eyes as he was circulating lightning throughout his body as lightning currents tangled all around him. He then opened his eyes suddenly as he pointed to the sky with his pointer fingers and a bolt of lightning shot out of them as it pierced the sky, making it gray and dark. The lightning would come back down twice as hard as he made himself act as a lightning rod and absorb the powerful lightning. Repeating this process until his lightning attacks become more powerful.

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