Chapter 4- Vision

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3rd POV:

Izuku has been walking in the woods silently, following the trail that will lead him to his final destination. He was well acquainted with the forest as it was the only place that kept him calm when he felt the most lowest.

Since he was always left alone to be by himself, he wandered the woods to try and make himself happy for once. We would listen to the sounds of leaves rustling with the wind and would watch the leaved fall down and ride the wind. It made him happy.

He started wandering the woods when he was 8. It was the time where he gave up on trying to make his parents recognize and acknowledge him. He did everything he could to make them notice his presence but they always were wrapped around Izumi's fingers. She was always in the spotlight while she was always in the shadow behind her light.

He got so sick of it, but it wasn't like he can do anything to change it. By the time he was 8 he accepted this depressing and harsh reality of him being invisible to the world and would always be someone that will stay in the darkness and loom over there for the rest of his life.

He followed the creek that will lead him to his final spot. If he wanted to kill himself atleast he wanted to see something beautiful in his final moments, right?

He then started thinking about the past and the shitty things that he had gone through. He looked up the quirkless percentage and saw that 30 percent of the quirkless society killed themselves due to the discrimination they received. And soon he will be apart of that 30 percent.

He then stopped at his tracks when he started remembering someone. Katsuki. He started crying silently at the thought of him. He was no longer going to see him after he kills himself and when they last saw each other they fought.

"Damn it, if I knew I was going to do this then I should've atleast heard him out." He said to himself as he wiped of the tears in his eyes.

Kacchan, I'll miss you. I'll just write down what I want him to know in my letter." He said as he took out the letter that was on his pocket and added dome few things.

He then finally reached his destination. There he in front of him was a beautiful spring waterfall that looked like it came out of a fairytale story.

 There he in front of him was a beautiful spring waterfall that looked like it came out of a fairytale story

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(What it looked like!)

It was majestic and beautiful. The perfect place for him to die. He started climbing up the rocks and tightened his grip on them to not fall over. When he reached the top, he looked at the wonderful view from above. He took a deep breathe and actually smiled genuinely.

He then took off his shoe and socks and placed them down on the rocks. He then took the letter out of his pocket and placed it gently inside his shoe to not let it be blown away by the wind.

He made his way to the edge of the waterfall. He looked at the moon that illuminated the light and he smiled once more before closing his eyes and let a few tears escape from them.

"Goodbye..." He said as jumped off of the waterfall to drown into the water.

But something else happened. When his body touched the surface of the water the whole spring waterfall came to a glow of pink light. It illuminated the eerie darkness and made it look magical and beautiful.

He then dropped to the water as it looked like the water swallowed him whole when he fell. The water then came to a close and made a ripple along with it. Izuku disappeared into the water and the pink glow dimmed down slowly. The forest returned back to its succumbing darkness.

Back with the adults, they kept shouting profanities at the family for what they have drove the poor boy to do. Katsuki started crying when he realized what he had done over the years to cope with all of the pain he felt.

He kept shouting at the family as well as Mitsuk, as they looked like they were ready to burn the house down. Nezu was infuriated to the point where he threw his teacup to the ground out of sheer anger.

"We need to find that boy immediately. Who knows what he could be doing and their is a huge chance that he will attempt suicide if we are not able to find him!" Nezu said as they nodded.

"And you, Yagi's, or should I say AllMight and Esper," Nezu said revealing their true identities making the Bakugo's and Izumi gasp. "I will be reporting you to the Hero Commission and I will make sure that your pay as heroes will go down by atleast 70%! And when you both decide to teach at MY school, your pays will be deducted by atleast 80% to the minimum!"

He then left the room with the others. Katsuki looked back at Toshinori and had the look of disgust in his eyes, knowing that his hero that he wanted to be like was someone like him that neglected their own son for being quirkless.

"I no longer want to be like you AllMight. I always admired you and how you were always number 1, but right now, your just a shitty father that hides his true colors to the public. You don't deserve to be number 1." He then scowled, leaving them alone as he stomped his way down the stairs.

Toshinori only felt guilty as his words struck his heart and broke it to a million pieces. He can only blame himself and himself only.

The adults discussed their plan to find the poor child and make sure that he was okay. The Yagi's went down as well as they felt the glares of daggers shooting at them.

"AllMight, I will look into the future. It may give us a clue to where Izuku is." He told him and he nodded.

Sir Nighteye then approached Toshinori and placed his hand on his shoulder and looked at his in the eyes as he used his quirk to look into the future.

Their in his vision, he was underwater, surrounded by nothing but seawater. He then saw a man with blue hair and ocean eyes that matched the sea, looking straight at him. Suddenly a giant creature started coiling itself around the man.

It looked like a serpentine dragon in mythology, and it had a pink luminescent glow all over its scales as it made the dark water glow with its light. It soon faced him and stared him down with his glowing ice-like eyes as it roared at him.

It soon swam downwards and its pink light soon disappeared along with it. The man with the blue hair then faced him and his body started changing and morphed itself into a dragon. The dragon itself was made out of water completely as it glared straight at him. It made a big roar and swam to him with his jaws wide open and it took a bite out of him.

Sir Nighteye screamed and fell down into his bottom as he frantically tried to grasp for air. He was panting in a panic as his eyes showed nothing but fear.

"Nighteye, what happened?! What did you see?!" Aizawa asked him as he helped him up.

"I saw something bizarre and unbelievable." He said as the others got near him to listen. "I looked at maybe around 2 or 3 years or so. I was underwater in the middle of the sea. Then in front of me was a man with blue hair and blue eyes, it stared me down. Then a creature started coiling around the man and it looked like a serpentine dragon from those mythology books."

Everyone gasped at his claims as it was all too unbelievable, but from the way he was shaken up it was hard to not believe him since his eyes told them that he was telling the truth.

"Then the dragon creature looked at me and roared before disappearing into the depths of the sea. The man then looked at me again this time he turned himself into a dragon of his own and he was made out of nothing but water. He fixed his gaze up to me and started swimming to my direction and swallowed me whole."

They all tensed up at his vision and realized that it was Toshinori's future that Nighteye envisioned. He looked pale that their was a possibility of him being swallowed whole by a dragon.

"We must make haste everyone. We must find that child before it is too late. I fear that he might change sides and be in league with those with bad influence. Not that I can blame him." Nezu said as he took a deep sigh.

"Now, let's find him!"

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