Chapter 22- Attack on USJ

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3rd POV:

The class exited the bus and marveled at the sight of the very big building that was shaped in a dome. The whole class stared at awe and were greeted by their special teacher. It was The Space Hero: 13!

She waved them a hello as Uraraka started fangirling. "Oh my gosh! You The Space Hero: 13! Your one of the best rescue heroes in all over Japan!" Urarala said, ecstatic to see her idol.

"That is correct! I am 13! And today you are here to conduct your hero rescue training!" She said as she gestured the class to follow her inside.

They were even more amazed for what was in store for them inside. There were multiple zones that depicted different kinds if disasters that ranged from shipwrecks to natural ruins. Everyone was excited to finally get their rescue training started.

"Wow! This place is amazing!" Kirishima commented.

"It's like Universal Studio of Japan!" Kaminari added.

"Shipwrecks, landslides, fires, windstorms, and many more! I built this training center to prepare for any known accidents and disasters. It is called the Unforseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short!" Pro hero 13 said, introducing her building.

'So it really is USJ' the whole class thought with deadpanned expressions.

Aizawa then approached 13 and asked her where AllMight was. She told him that he used most of his time when he fought a couple of villains in the city and is now resting. Shouta groaned as he thought to himself to be cautious in the meantime.

After the media broke into the UA barriers, Principal Nezu figured out that someone must've disintegrated the walla and caused the media to walk into campus. Nezu had a feeling that something might happen and told Aizawa about this. That is why Shouta is being more cautious today.

"Now, before we all start, I would like to say a couple of words. As you all may know, my quirk is called Black Hole. I can suck in anything and turn it into ash in a matter of seconds. My quirk is helpful for rescue work but it's also a power that can easily kill people."

"With that in mind, I want you all to remember that you all have quirks that can easily kill people, with one mistake. Let that nit bring you down for we are here at USJ, so that you all can learn how to use your quirk to rescue people. Now that is all, thank you for listening." No. 13 finished her speech as she gave a bow.

Everyone then cheered for her lovely and inspiring speech with roaring claps and inspired faces. They were now even more pump to do the rescue training.

"Now that it's done, let's go and-" Shouta was caught off when suddenly, the lights of the USJ building started to flicker and a dark purple portal appeared in the middle of Central Plaza.

A mob of villain came out from them as Aizawa frowned at the sight of them. He placed his goggles on and turned to see the frightful faces of his students.

"A-Are those fake villains?" Kaminari asked as he turned to his teacher shook his head no.

"13, protect the kids and get out of here now! Communications are down, I can't contact Nezu. I'll handle them all and you all get out of here!" Shouta instructed as Izuku and Hitoshi protested.

"No! Dad, you can't fight all of them, they're too many! Plus half of them have mutant quirks!" Izuku said in distress.

"He's right, your quirk isn't suitable for group battles." Hitoshi added as their father turned to them.

"You can't be a hero if your a one trick pony. Now go, and leave this to me." He said as he jumped and to Central Plaza.

"Kids, we need to get out of here now!" 13 instructed as they all followed her lead, much to Izuku and Hitoshi's dismay.

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