Authors Note: Izuku Bio

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I just suddenly feel the need to explain his quirk to you all just because I want to. I'll also put his Bio.

Izuku Aizawa

Izuku Aizawa

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Height: 5'8

Birthday: July 15

Quirk: Sea Dragon

- Allows him to control and shape the waters form to his liking.

- He can turn his body into water and will act like it, meaning attacks will just got through him because he's made out of water. He can also choose which body part to turn into water. This is inspired by Juvia in Fairytail.

He mainly uses this skill as his main attack as he turns his arms into water like tentacles. Think of it as Ming-Hua in Legends of Korra since that is where his skill was inspired by.

- He can manipulate water temperatures

- He can also use water to heal others.

- He can also transform himself into a water dragon that can shoot scalding or freezing water out of his mouth.

- He can also transform himself into a water dragon that can shoot scalding or freezing water out of his mouth

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- He can't produce the water from his body, that is why he needs to gather the waters in the air.

- If his water body is overused it can slowly break his muscle fibers and bones with the repetition of changing between his physical and water bodies to the point that his body could no longer catch up with all the sudden changes.


He will have a gourd behind his back to store water

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He will have a gourd behind his back to store water. Its like Gaara but change the sand with water.

 Its like Gaara but change the sand with water

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Imagine that there are no cracks and symbols. The color will be a light blue while the strap will be dark blue.

That is all!

Hiro_No_Kaze out!



I forgot to add another drawback to his quirk, well more like a weakness. His body can't handle extreme heat and would burn and evaporate his body.

If his water body is burned to a high degree, then the patches where the burns once were will revert back to his normal body and the burns will remain. (If that makes sense... hehe :P)

If he is burned by fire too much he can no longer turn his body into water and would need water to moisten himself up. Kinda like Gang Orca.

But he can get use to heats with high degree temperatures with training. He will be learning that very soon with the help of a certain hero! (You probably know who it is. :P)

I added this kind of weakness so that he'll be a bit more balance and not super op! Cause where's all the fun if you know you can beat them all and there won't be anyone challenging, am I right? (Well, that's how my thinking is... :P)

That's all!

Hiro_No_Kaze out! Again!

Izuku and The Sea DragonWhere stories live. Discover now