Chapter 58- Final Exam: Part 5

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3rd POV:

The Final Exams are coming to a close as there are only two matches left. The matches include Momo Yaoyaraozu and Itsuka Kendo, against Midnight. The other is between Izuku Aizawa and Katsuki Bakugo, against the number 1 hero, AllMight.

Momo and Kendo's match began as they entered their arena which was a rocky terrain with many boulders and deformed rocks. Momo felt extremely confident that they will be able to pass as she prepared a way for them to not be able to be affected by Midnight's sleep-inducing aroma.

Several matched before hers, Momo researched for any effective ways to help them be not affected by Midnight's quirk. She used her built-in 3d hologram display to search for any known designs that will help her and her teammate to stand up against Midnight's quirk.

There, she was able to discover a state-of-the-art filter mask that covers the mouth and nose. The mask had a state-of-the-art filter that is able to filter almost 95% of the air that enters the said mask. She immediately searched for the configurations of the mask and its parts in order for her to create a copy of it for her and Kendo.

After a couple of research and a few attempts, she was able to perfectly create the filter mask to use against Midnight. All goes well as she handed the mask to Kendo when the match began and tested that it can indeed filter even Midnight's aroma quirk.

But something happened while Momo was testing the filter mask in Midnight's aroma quirk.

Kendo was left a few steps behind Momo as she was testing the filter mask at Midnight's quirk. While testing, Kendo felt a presence lingering behind her as she looked back to see that it was Midnight. She made her hands large as Midnight whipped out her large whip weapon.

Midnight started to whip Kendo as she tried to block them with her big hands. But she wasn't careful enough as Midnight's whip was able to knock Kendo's mask off her face as Midnight's quirk started entering through her nose. She soon started to feel drowsy as she was on the brink of falling asleep.

Before she fell asleep, she saw Momo coming back to her as she used every bit of her last strength to push her away from them. After she pushed her away, she was taken away by Midnight's sleep quirk as she fell asleep on her lap.

Now here we are with Momo confronting Midnight alone. Only depending on herself and herself alone as she goes to a 1 v 1 match against her teacher and pro hero, Midnight.

"Let's tango, vixen!" Midnight said to Momo with a vicious grin as she started to aim her whip towards her.

Momo immediately dodged to the side as the whip barely grazed over her side. She looked up and saw more whip attacks headed her way as she tried her best to dodge all of them. She then created a shield off her chest as she used it to block the whip attacks.

"Are you just gonna defend, vixen? how boring." Midnight taunted her as she continued her onslaught of whip attacks.

Momo was grunting every time the whip made contact with her shield as it was sending a huge amount of force that was pushing her back further and further. She decided to create a bo staff from her left arm as she decided to go on the offensive rather than defending the whole time.

She dashed forward towards Midnight as she getting ready to strike her. Midnight saw her advancement as she tried to stop her with more of her whip attacks and releasing more of her quirk. Momo dodged all of her attacks gracefully as she was able to reach her in no time.

Momo raised her bo staff as she tried to strike Midnight with them, but Midnight was able to block it with her whip. Midnight struck back with a whip strike as Momo jumped backward while doing a flip and landed gracefully on the ground.

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