Chapter 12- Training

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3rd POV:

After a shared hug between Katsuki and Izuku, the crowd cheered as they witness the blue haired boy defeat the villain single-handedly and save his friend. The heroes approached the two and scolded Izuku for the stunt he pulled.

"Young man, do you understand how dangerous that was? You could've gotten yourself killed!" Death arms shouted at the boy.

"You should've just stayed behind and let the pros handle it, you shouldn't be risking your life!" Kamui Woods said and that hit a spark on Izuku.

"So, you're telling me that I should just sit back and watch as I see my boyfriend slowly be sucked into that slimy thing?! What kind of idiot would have that kind of mindset, huh?! Should I just sit there and wait for backup because you 'heroes' said that your quirks weren't suitable for that villain, seriously?! If you would've analyzed the villain you could've noticed that his eyes were his weakness since it was the only thing physical about his body. Now don't even try to scold me since I did your jobs for you and saved my boyfriend in time, because if I didn't he would've died!" His whole speech was filled with anger as it was captured in live broadcast since the news media was present.

The heroes were speechless, they couldn't fight back his words since they were all true. They were heavily humiliated by a kid and made then hung there heads low.

"Now, I suggest you step up your game heroes, because at this moment, if I didn't step up, you all would've failed to save life. Me and my boyfriend are going to be leaving now, and I suggest you don't block our way." He said as he glared at them.

Izuku grabbed Katsuki's right arm and wrapped it around his neck to support him. The people did what they were told and moved out of the way as the couple walked away from the villain site. They took a couple of turns to alleyways to reach their way home. Izuku noticed the glum look on Katsuki's face.

"Kacchan, what's wrong?" Izuku asked with concern as he saw his boyfriends eyes start to water.

"Its just, I feel so weak that I couldn't even save myself. You had to come and save me, and that made me feel so weak and helpless!" Katsuki said out loud as tears stream down his face.

Izuku sighed and stared the blonde in his eyes that were stained with tears. He cupped his face so that they both were staring with one another.

"Listen here Kacchan, being weak is nothing to be ashamed of, staying weak is!" (Guess where I quote that! If you know then we can be best friends! :0) Izuku declared as he kissed his forehead.

"You need to learn that there will be times when you can't face things alone. You can't look to your left and right at the same time now, can you? You need someone to be with you and I'll be more than happy to be that someone. Because no matter what, we are in this together!" Izuku then hugged Katsuki tightly.

Katsuki hugged back and felt the warmth Izuku had. He then looked at his eyes that always made him calm since it reminded him of calm ocean waters. He kissed him passionately and Izuku kissed back.

They then started walking back home with their hand interlocking. Izuku leaned on Katsuki's shoulders as they walked.

"Hey, Izu, the UA Entrance Exam is about 10 months from now, whaddya say that we train together to pass that exam?" Katsuki suggested as a bright smile formed on Izuku's place.

"Sure! I have the perfect place for us to train. In that trash park beach!"

"That dump? Why? Its filled with trash and nothing but trash."

"Well, we could use those trash as our training and build up our muscles. We could clean up the beach and that would count as training and as a plus, that is us doing community service."

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