Chapter 11- Slime Incident

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3rd POV:

Its been a couple of weeks since Izuku has been adopted by Aizawa. When the adoption was progress, the Yagi's tried everything they could to stop it. But because of how everyone knew of their treatment to Izuku, they ignored them and continued on with the adoption.

After the adoption, Izuku legally changed his name to Izuku Aizawa and became part of the Aizawa family. Izuku loved his new family. He was being treated with love, he was being cared for, and all three of them were fun to be around.

Hitoshi, his now brother, acted exactly the same way as his dad, Aizawa. They both sleep day in and day out, and they can sleep in any place as long as they have their sleeping bags. Hitoshi wanted to be also a hero. His quirk, Brainwashing, was deemed as a villainous quirk by many, even his parents. But after he met Aizawa, he learned to love his quirk.

Since Aizawa so his determination, he started training him in martial arts and combat. He even gave him his own capture scarf that Aizawa uses. He has been training with them and has been improving ever since. He admitted that he was gay to Izuku and Izuku didn't mind it because he was dating Katsuki.

Aizawa was a surprisingly protective dad. Eventhough he doesn't show it, he gets easily panicked when it comes to Izuku and Hitoshi. He was a great dad in Izuku's opinion, much better that Toshinori.

He had work at UA in the morning and had to go patrol at nighy. This made him sleep deprived and would sleep almost anywhere as long as he has his sleeping bad. He also started teaching Izuku some basic hand-to-hand combat because he doesn't want Izuku to rely on his quirk alone.

Hizashi was, in Izuku's opinion, the 'fun' dad. He was always loud which Izuku had to get used to, but aside from that he always brought the liveliness in the house. He had his radio show and he would constantly invite Izuku to his show. They also used this as a method to announce that Izuku has been found safe and alive. Many of the public cheered for Izuku coming back home.

It has been atleast a month since Izuku returned and he was walking his way to his boyfriend's school. Izuku didn't want to go to school since he thought it'll be a waste of money and a waste of his time since Umi already taught him everything that he needed to know, so school was unnecessary.

As Izuku was walking, he was thinking about his and Katsuki's relationship together. Since they made it official that they're, they have been inseparable ever since. They hang out a lot in the weekends when Katsuki doesn't have school and would often have dates with each other. They were both happy, to say the least and everyone supported them, except the Yagi's, shocker.

Izuku was walking down the street and into an alleyway as a shortcut to Katsuki's school. He entered the alleyway and was met with a vile smell of sewage. It was disgusting and Izuku had to pinch his nose to unmask the smell.

Suddenly, he felt something moving from down below him and saw a weird tentacle coming out from a drainage. It tried swiping Izuku's foot but he luckily dodges backwards.

"A meat suit! I have found myself a new meat suit!" The villain said through the drainage.

The villain then sloppily revealed himself as he made his way up to the alley through the drainage. It was a villain with a mutation type of quirk that made him look like a giant blob or a giant slime creature.

Izuku took a battle stance as the villain started approaching him.

"Kid, I'm gonna make you my new meat suit!" He declared as he lunged at Izuku.

Izuku got away by turning his right arm into water and grabbed something from behind him and pulled himself backwards. He turned his arm back to normal.

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