Chapter 37- Sports Festival: Part 5

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I would like to thank -EijiroZeSlytherin- for the Dragon Crew suggestion. I really liked it but I decided to change the dragon into another word and I search for synonyms. There I found Tarragon, so I'm just gonna switch their group name to Team Tarragon.

3rd POV:

It was now the beginning of the most awaited event of the festival, the 1v1 tournament. The tournament is comprised of four rounds; First Round, Quarter-Final Round, Semi-Final Round, and the Final Round.

Team Tarragon have made it all the way to the tournament after they displayed their skills during the first and second events of the festival. Many of the pro heroes that were their to scout for potential sidekicks, were all impressed with their displayed skills.

The tournament officially began after the recreational event and two matches have already come and gone.

The first match was between Izuku Aizawa and Tenya Iida as Izuku won the match after he threw Iida out of bounds and into a wall. The second match was between Yui Kodai and Mina Ashido, the victor being Mina as she also threw Kodai out of bounds.

There are more matches to come as it was only the beginning of the first round.

Mina, who just won her match, was going up at the observation deck of Class 1-A where most of her classmates were watching the tournament from. She saw Team Tarragon as she waved at them and they waved back, telling her to take a seat. She did notice however that both Jiro and Shoto are nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, guys, where's Jiro and Shoto?" Mina asked as she sat beside Kirishima.

"I think their up next right? It's their match next." Kirishima said to her as she had an 'oh' expression.

"I see. Who do you guys think will win?" Mina asked them.

"Well, Shoto is super strong and has amazing control with the temperatures of his ice and fire, but Jiro also is strong after her training with Umi, so I can't really say who'll win." Izuku said.

"We'll just have to watch since their match is about to start." Sero told them as they switched their attention to the match.

"Let us move on to the third round of the tournament! Here we have Shoto Todoroki, the son of the number 2 hero, Endeavor! And we have the rock on punk student of Class 1-A, Kyoka Jiro!" Present Mic introduced them as the crowd cheered loudly for the two.

Shoto and Jiro are now both facing off each other on opposite sides as they wait for their match to begin. Their eyes showed full determination and fierceness, wanting to win the match no matter what.

"Let the third match, begin!" Midnight declared as the two battled for the chance to get to the quarterfinals.

Jiro started running towards Shoto and extended her earphone jacks to reach him. She was using them like whips as she tried hitting Shoto with them. Unfortunately for her, Shoto manged to dodge her earphone jacks as he twist his body left and right, and even flipped backwards. Shoto was now a few meters away from her.

Shoto wanting to end the match as soon as possible, stomped his right foot and raised his right hand and created a giant wall of ice that shaped like spikes that seemed like it was piercing the sky. It caught Jiro as she was trapped inside the ice, leaving only her head and limbs free.

The audience looked at her with pity as Midnight was about to call the match. "It looks like Kyoka Jiro is unable to move in the ice. I will declare the winner to be-" Her words were cut when the sound of ice cracking echoed throughout the stadium.

"W-What is going on?!" A pro hero from the audience said.

Shoto had his eyes widened in shock as she saw Jiro having a smirk on her face. He looked to see that his giant wall of ice was beginning to crack as low vibration was felt by him, emanating from where Jiro is stood trapped in the ice.

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