Chapter 26- Critical Injuries

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3rd POV:

Katsuki carried Izuku bridal style, since he was unconcious due to exhaustion after the brawl he had with the Nomu. He won by using the tremendous heat from his water vortex breath and burnt the body of the Nomj, resulting to its demise as it can't regenerated as fast as it can possibly can because of the heat.

Katsuki brought Izuku's unconscious body as others came to make sure he was okay. They all sighed in relief when they saw that he was all right after a gruesome battle. But others weren't as lucky as Izuku.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were thrown to the stairs by the Nomu, resulting to their knocked out state. Momo checked them and he closed her eyes and sighed heavily as she saw their state. Kirishima's body had started to crumble due to his hardening quirk, as the punch was too much for him to handle. Tetsutetsu's looked like he had a broken right arm when his fist collided with the Nomu's.

"They need medical attention fast! Their injuries are too critical, we need Recovery Girl!" Momo said and as if it was on cue Recovery Girl mad her way towards them.

She looked at their state and started clicking her tongue and shaking her head. From her view, their bodies were a mess. Broken arms, bruised bodies, broken backs, all of the major injuries that they could have possibly get, they both have.

"Get the stretchers and load these students up! I'm afraid that their hero careers will end before they even finish their first week of school." Recovery Girl said with a sad expression.

The other students widened their eyes at the thought of them not becoming heroes because they were true heroes in their eyes. Kirishima jumped in front of an attack not once, but twice, to protect his classmates. And Tetsutetsu blocked one of the Nomu's punch with his own to counter, but was overpowered.

The class look as the two were taken away by the paramedics with Recovery Girl close behind them. They all felt terrible as their friends were in such a state that they might not become heroes. Mina even started crying as she dropped to her knees and rubbed her eyes.

"I can't believe this. They don't deserve this. Kirishima is the most heroic person I ever met that had dreamed of becoming a hero! And Tetsutetsu kept protecting me when we were warped away from villains and even took a bullet for me!" She cried out as Jiro and Momo bent down and comforted her.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. They both will be taken care of by Recovery Girl, so don't worry 'bout those two." Jiro said trying to comfort her.

"Yes, she is correct. Recovery Girl is a renowned healer, they will be in good hands. Now, let's get that bullet wound out of your arm, okay?" Momk said as she nodded.

They supported her as she winced in pain from the bullet wound. They called a paramedics and she was brought to an ambulance. They also passed Aizawa and Izuku who were also being loaded in an ambulance with Present Mic, Hitoshi, and Katsuki with them.

"What a mess, this villains have made. Make sure to capture all villains." Nezu ordered the teachers as they nodded.

Soon the police came as they arrested all of the captured villains. They rounded them all up and had a total number of 87 villains. Detective Tsukauchi then asked a few questions to the students to get to know what exactly happened during the attack since both teachers were down.

After about an hour of interviewing the students, he git the gist of what basically went down. He was a little mad since they said that AllMight was supposed to show up but never did. He just needed eight more statements and they were the ones that were admitted to the hospital.

Speaking of the hospital, Izuku woke up from his nap and smelled the scent of disinfectants and the sound of a vital monitor. He looked around to see both Katsuki and Hitoshi asleep on a chair in the corner of the room. He turned to see that his dad and thirteen were there and at the other side was Tetsutetsu and Kirishima.

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