Chapter 10- Family

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3rd POV:

"Hi, Uncle Aizawa!" Izuku said in a cheerful voice as he saw his uncle right in front of him.

Aizawa had his eyes widened in shock as he saw his nephew in front of him. His supposedly dead nephew was in front of him, wearing a bright smile on his face. Even if his hair and eyes changed, his voice never did as he recognized them.

Without a second thought he grabbed the boy by the shoulders and hugged him tightly, much to Izuku's surprise. Aizawa had a few tears escape from his eyes as Izuku hugged him back with his arms wrapping around them.

They then heard footsteps coming towarfs them and it was Hizashi. He was coming from the kitchen when he heard the doorbell rang.

"Sho, who's at the door?" He asked as his eyes fall to Katsuki and then his husband who was hugging someone.

"Who's that your hugging Sho?" He asked as he saw the person's face.

He dropped his phone that he was holding as it made a crashing sound when it hit the floor. He had tears in his eyes as he dashed forward and hugged him as well.

"Izuku?! Is that you?! Where have you been?! We thought you were dead!" Hizashi said in between sobs as he hugged the boy tightly.

"Izuku, you need to explain yourself." Aizawa said with a serious tone on his voice as he let go of him.

Izuku nodded and him and Katsuki got inside their home. It was a cozy house with a big living room and kitchen. It was house made for a family. They sat on the couch with Izuku and Katsuki's hand still locked together as Aizawa took note of this. Hizashi went to the kitchen to get some orange juice.

"So, what's with you two and the hand locking?" Aizawa said with a smirk on his face.

The two just realized that they were holding hands and they immediately let go of each other. They both were flustered and embarrassed as their faces were as red as a tomato. Izuku felt his heart beating in a fast rate and Katsuki was a little sad that they let go of each other.

Hizashi came back with the drinks as he sat down with Aizawa next to him. They both looked at Izuku with serious gazes as they wanted an explanation.

"Well, you might think I'm crazy but I hope not since this really is what happened to me." He started out as the two adults assured him that they'll listen to him with open ears.

"When I jumped into the water, something happened and when I woke up, I was underwater in the middle of the sea. Something then swam up to me and it was a serpentine dragon with pink scales." Aizawa then had his eyes widened with the mention if the pink dragon since Sir Nighteye saw the dragon when he looked into AllMight's future.

"Her name was Umi and she called herself The Serpentine Dragon of the Sea. The Bearer of Gifts and The Dragon of Purity. I told her what I went through and she decided to grant me my wish of becoming a hero, so she gifted me with a power."

"So, she gave you a quirk?" Hizashi asked and Izuku nodded.

"I can control and manipulate water, and also I can turn my body into water. She helped me master my quirk in those 2 years where I disappeared. She also started teaching me about education and stuff since she was also intelligent. She acted like a mother to me and she aldo admitted that I was like a son to her." A few tears left Izuku's eyes as he started remembering his memories with Umi.

"It's okay Izuku, we understand. So meaning, your the man that Sir Nighteye saw in his vision." Aizawa said and it caught Izuku's attention.

"What vision, Uncle Aizawa?

Izuku and The Sea DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora