Vlog #6 | Q and A mukbang⚠️

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"heyyy people welcome back to my YouTube chaneeeeeel!! For todays videooo Scarlett already know I'll embarrassed her sooo"

" I just know you're gonna exposed every inch of us" she responded

" So uhm i asked y'all to send some questions that we can answer! We're doing a Q and A with a twiiiiiiiist.. we're doing a buffalo wings mukbang"

" Yessssss" Scarlett screamed in joy

" So you ready? " I asked she hum " yes" with a huge smile and nod


" Mkay first Question!!" I started while Scarlett put some Plastic gloves

when did u know u we're gay

" When we started talking day and night" she responded and dip the chicken and feed it to me

" How about you? " She asked

" uhhh *chew* when i started watching marvel movies"


" Next! "

" favorite feature of each other"

Scarlett asked bitting and look at me to answer

" I love your cheeks specially when you're laughing you're turning into a tomato really easily"

" I love your hand" she answered and i smirk raising a brow, she hit me playfully in the arm while laughing

"just read the next question" she says coughing

" Whats the wierdest dream or fantacy you had?"

" Oh this is a good one remember when i woke you up at 3am and I'm literally wheezing and full of sweat?" I asked getting excited and she hum still chewing

" My dream was you being intersex, like you have a D" i said and she choke on her chicken, i gave her water and both of us just started laughing

" Why though??" She asked with a confused laughing face still sipping the water

" One word...wattpad" i answered and winked

" How about you? Weirdest dream or fantacy about me"

"This is just pure weird like we're having sex at a live tv show with a lot of paparazzi taking pictures with flashes " she answered and i can't even pronounce a word anymore

"You know u can manifest dreams right? Like if you think of that specific scenarios before going to sleep it may appear on your dreams....so is that actually a fantasy?" I asked and she smiled and nodded innocently

"This is gonna sound wrong but who is more dominant?"

"I think me * chew* what do you think?" Scarlett asked

"Yeah, she's the dominant one and I'm fine with it coz personally I'm a mess so i always let her being in control... Sometimes I'm just like CONTROL ME MOMMY" I shouted and she pushed me slightly to make me stop

"have u guys ever made a... Tape. Yk"

"Oh lord... You have no idea" i answered raising both of my brows

"We got a different camera for that" Scarlett added and winked at the camera

"Would you try and start a family together"

"I mean it's still early but yeah why not?" Scarlett stated shrugging

"I personally don't like kids but she love em so?...ok but i don't Wanna see comments like oh they're both girls, oh thats impossible...my bone marrow exist for a reason so stfu" i said added Scarlett is just nodding shoving some of the food on her mouth

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